Majlis votes overwhelming ‘Yes’ to Adeeb

Ahmed Adeeb, the influential tourism minister, has been sworn in as the Maldives’ new vice president at a ceremony at the President’s Office this afternoon. The People’s Majlis has approved his nomination with 70 votes in favor.

Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed administered the oath of office before the Majlis vote.

The new vice president thanked President Abdulla Yameen for his nomination.

He told local media he will only take half of his MVR75,000 salary and will reside at his home instead of the official vice presidential palace.

Adeeb will continue to handle the cabinet portfolio on tourism.

The seven No votes include opposition MPs Eva Abdulla, Mariya Ahmed Didi, Imthiyaz Mohamed Falah, Mohamed Aslam, Rozaina Adam, and Ahmed Mahloof.

The minority leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, MDP MP Fayyaz Ismail, Jumhooree Party’s Ali Hussein, and Adhaalath Party’s Anara Naeem abstained from the vote.

Adeeb’s appointment comes after the parliament impeached Vice President Dr Mohamed Jameel with multi-party support yesterday.

The impeachment process was initiated by the PPM-MDA coalition. Pro-government MPs accused Jameel of incompetence, dereliction of duty, links with the opposition, failure to defend the government, and excessive expenditure from the state budget.

Last week, the parliament also approved changes to its standing orders to fast-track the process of voting on a president’s nominee to fill a vacancy in the vice president’s post. The rules were changed to allow the speaker to call for a vote on the day a committee’s evaluation report is sent to MPs. Items are normally tabled in the agenda three days after the committee report is sent out.

In late June, the parliament approved a first amendment to the constitution to set age limits of 30 to 65 years for the presidency and vice presidency. Adeeb is 33 years old and was previously ineligible for the post as the constitution required candidates to be above 35 years of age.

Opposition MPs’ backing for the amendment was widely perceived as part of a deal in exchange for transferring imprisoned former President Mohamed Nasheed to house arrest.

The main opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) is currently engaged in talks with the government and has expressed hope that the opposition leader could be freed ahead of July 26 when the Maldives marks 50 years of independence.

Adeeb’s supporters meanwhile launched a social media campaign backing Adeeb for the vice presidency whilst rumours spread about former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s opposition to appointing the tourism minister to the post.

However, the PPM leader has repeatedly denied favouring a particular candidate, stating that the appointment of a deputy is the sole prerogative of the president.

Minivan News understands that senior members of the ruling party were split over Adeeb’s appointment. Several PPM MPs had, however, publicly declared that Adeeb would be sworn in before July 26.

Shortly after the constitutional amendment lowering the age limit for the vice presidency was passed, the tourism minister reprimanded Gayoom’s son, newly elected MP Ahmed Faris, for his absence from the vote.

Accusing Faris of letting Yameen down, Adeeb said in a text message in English: “You cannot differentiate youth or any segment with educated, non educated, poor and rich, beyfulhu [aristocrat] or non beyfulhu [non-aristocrat] etc.”


3 thoughts on “Majlis votes overwhelming ‘Yes’ to Adeeb”

  1. Congratulations Hon VP Adheeb to the appointment, and making it very blunt and clear to the narrow minded and disorganized opposition , that a simple well calculated mind can be mightier than a sword, even though politics shall remain a dirty game.

    May be it is time for you, and all politicians to mature and follow the steps of Desmond Tutu and Mandela by introducing reconciliation among the people. The country is broken into pieces, families fragmented and hate and anger looming in every house today as the ideology of political colors, personal greed and corruption among most lawmakers, overrules the main objective of governance: Improving the lives of the people.

    In a short period of time you have done and achieved your projected goals, whether it was through rough or simple means. A lesson for your enemies, and a reminder to them that 'only a stupid dog barks at a flying bird'. As a citizen, as a parent and as a civil servant who has contributed so much to the country, I pray and hope that come next few years, we would see a positive change in society.

    The rich are getting richer while the deprived have nothing. Us living in Male enjoy the modern life, the glittering skies and feel of development, but the majority languishing in the islands still have no running water, no proper roads, no housing….and to most critical, our Youth (of whom your appointment is based) have no future except living in drugs, alcohol and sex.

    We need polytechnics to provide these kids with skills to allow them work and make a living. We need these kids off the 'coffee and cigarette' life and be productive, we need these kids to wakeup in the morning and end the day having played a role in developing the country. We need these kids to look decent and tidy (maybe cut the Mettalica kind of hair-dos) and gain their respect from the public.

    On the other hand, I also plead to grown ups, house wives or those who failed in life and continue to put blame on past political scenarios, to come out as responsible adults and work together to build the country rather than spending time on money on social media blaming and mocking others.

    Last but not least, I urge the sheiks and those with religious knowledge not to use religion to fight others as they did when MDP was forced out of office. We are all muslims and shall remain muslims but you cannot police every Maldivian on what they do in closed doors or when abroad or in resorts doing what we all know…its a fact and shall remain so. Religion should not be used as a tool to manage people but as a guidance for a better tomorrow where responsibility counts. Go helps only those who help themselves.

    To the opposition. Time to lay down your weapons and lay a foundation for reconciliation for the betterment of the country, the youth and the future of next generations. A trip to South Africa would be a good idea to learn how forgiveness can bring people together.

    Honarble VP, we still have so many questions unanswered, parents in mourning for their dead kids, lost kids, or those languishing in jails. That pain and that suspicion of foul play (we don't know by whom) shall remain alive as long as these issues, most urgent the disappearance of a simple man or the murdered of an ordinary MP, is no solved.

    I wish you good and I hope in time we could all be again, brothers and sisters. May Allah help us all.


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