“No nepotism in a DRP rule”, says Gayoom at seventh anniversary of reform movement

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom last night held a special rally to celebrate the seventh year of the former government’s reform.

Speaking at the rally, Gayyoom said the reform agenda he initiated seven years ago “can be perfectly successful and fruitful only after the DRP wins the Presidential Elections and reclaims authority.”

Gayoom said that then the people would come to realise the true values of democracy, as there would be no nepotism in DRP rule.

The former President claimed that under a DRP government people would be equal and there would “be no favouritsm,’’ according to reports in newspaper Miadhu.

Miadhu also reported that Gayoom criticised leader of main opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) Ahmed Thasmeen Ali, and called for primary elections to determine a presidential candidate.

In his speech, the former President also denied he was attempting to disunite the party or further his personal interests.

Leader of Peoples Alliance Party (PA) and half-brother of Gayoom, Abdulla Yameen, also spoke at the rally.

Yameen claimed the government was trying to influence the judiciary and called on people to “be cautious”.


One thought on ““No nepotism in a DRP rule”, says Gayoom at seventh anniversary of reform movement”

  1. MrGayoom. Listen carefully.

    You had your chance. You did good to the country in some areas, up to some years of your rule.

    We don't want wet-towel heads, Bedouins, or talibans in this country. And certainly no women-hating, Arabian-psychotic paedophile followers to flourish here.

    MDP will help us with that. DRP, IDP will be like rocks dragging us down and drowning us. So we will vote for MDP, even if it kills us, roasts us in hell. And just like Ali Rameez, who wants the whole country to enter heaven, I will make sure the whole country is dragged through hell.


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