Police release resort staff arrested for premarital sex

Police have released a 36 year-old Maldivian man and 33 year-old Thai woman from custody, after they were arrested last week on charges of premarital sex.

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said the two resort staff were released because police had concluded their investigation and there was no reason to hold them in detention.

‘’We discussed the matter with the Prosecutor General and we were advised to release them from detention as the investigation was concluded,’’ Shiyam said. ‘’There were no other charges to place against them.’’

Both individuals were staff members working at Herethera Resort in Addu Atoll.

”They were not arrested while they were on Herethera Resort, but while they were on an island in Addu Atoll,’’ police said.

Local media reported that an islander alerted police that the couple were having premarital sex, and when police officers attended the scene they were found to be involved in sexual activity and were arrested.

An islander told newspaper Haveeru that the individuals were involved in a relationship and used to frequently visit the house they were arrested inside.

Under the 1968 Penal Code the penalty for premarital sex is 100 lashes. An updated Penal Code was sent to parliamentary committee May 18, 2010, where it remains.


11 thoughts on “Police release resort staff arrested for premarital sex”

  1. Their arrest should never have happened in the first place. What two consenting adults do in private is no one else's business.

  2. This is bloody nonsense; Maldivian police is like peeping toms! Conservative Mullahs and their followers will like these sorts’ incidents.

  3. Funny thing the policemen who arrested the couple, probably had several sexual encounters outside marriage.

  4. At least they were not stoned to death, as many would have preferred!

  5. 95% of Maldivian do have sex before they get married.Before the marriage sex relation is very common in Maldives.In this case all Maldivians should be arrested for investigation.

    This is so funny to any Maldivians!

    Jelousy is behin this case!!!

  6. What waste of police time. Police wake up - do not respond to waste of time enquiries. Chase gangs drugs and thiefs. Do you Job for the people.

  7. The police should ignore such reports and should scold/rebuke person(s)making such reports. Whosoever reported this incident must be a frustrated person.

  8. OMG just because you do not get enough good sex why blast these people little love bubble!!
    Jealousy cowardly hiding behind a huge cloak of religion!!! Double standard!

  9. 'Under the 1968 Penal Code the penalty for premarital sex is 100 lashes'........which century are you people living in I wonder. Not surprising that muslim countries.......esp 100% muslim countries.......are the most backward in the world. Good job the police aren't arresting people for drug abuse or else most of the population of Maldives would be in jail.

  10. Its funny that Police arrested 2 people, but court and Penel Codes do not have any idea what to charge the convicts. Can not stop laughing...


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