MNBC to report MP Mahlouf to police for alleged assault of journalist

A journalist at the Maldives National Broadcasting Corporation (MNBC) has claimed that Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) MP Ahmed Mahlouf assaulted him after Tuesday’s night live coverage of the National Security Committee meeting.

”He came towards me while I was waiting in the corridor and asked me rudely why I was broadcasting the parliament live” said the MNBC reporter, who wished to remain anonymous. ”I said that decision was not up to me and he told me to inform all my superiors that any equipment brought inside the parliament will be destroyed.”

He said the Galolhu South MP then pushed him against the wall and elbowed him on the stomach.

”I told him to get off me, but he then again hit me in the chest,” he said. ”Then he left the area.”

Board members of the state broadcaster were considering reporting the case to police, he said.

Mahlouf however denies the allegations.

An MNBC journalist at the committee meeting suggested that the incident would have been caught on CCTV cameras inside the building.

Prior to the alleged assault, opposition MPs disrupted a National Security Committee meeting to object to live coverage by the state broadcaster.

The meeting was held to vote on a proposal to summon PPM Parliamentary Group Leader MP Abdulla Yameen for questioning.

Committee Chair MP Ali Waheed told press that the rules of procedure did not prohibit live telecasts or dictate terms for media coverage.

The disruption of the live broadcast saw MDP activists gather outside the parliament building to protest.

With opposition MPs still inside parliament over an hour and half after the meeting ended, a group of PPM supporters gathered for a counter-protest.

Riot police in the area separated the rival protesters and cordoned off the area shortly before midnight.


9 thoughts on “MNBC to report MP Mahlouf to police for alleged assault of journalist”

  1. Unless the alleged assault was caught on camera then this is just pointless hearsay.

    Anyway as a citizen of this country, I would welcome any assault, as long as its not serious, on "journalists" of the government-controlled media.

    The purpose of most government-owned and editorially-controlled media is to forcibly maintain peace, harmony and homogeneity in the country BUT here the MDP government is abusing the state media to create conflict.

  2. @ tsk tsk

    To a point, I can agree with this. Allegations without proof is heresy. But you can't say what was seen on T.V yesterday was manufactured by state media. As you say, even your claims are pointless, unless it is with proof to the said allegations on the controversial matter.

    That guy was being an ass, to say the least. His last question was the funniest of the bunch.
    Did he seriously mistook the meeting as the stage for Ehandhaanuga Retro? xD
    He best belongs on the stage, not at a questioning of a corrupt former MP.

  3. @tsk tsk

    "Anyway as a citizen of this country, I would welcome any assault, as long as its not serious, on “journalists” of the government-controlled media."

    You have incited violence. Under any civilized laws, you will be prosecuted.

  4. Robert,

    Prosecuted? You mean 'tsk tsk'?

    The thing you should know about 'tsk tsk' is that he's above the law and other intellectually inferior enterprises that only apply to the rest of us.

    In this case, he openly incites violence (hey, as long as it is not serious!) but passes out pontificating judgments against others for "creating conflict".

    I would call this man delusional - but I wouldn't want to hurt his paper-thin ego.

  5. I would welcome the prosecution of an anonymous commenter on a web forum any time of day.

    Please file suit within the stated statutory limits and also, ensure that its the PG that files the criminal action and not the AG. Just some helpful advice.

  6. My boy Yaamyn, someone as erudite and enlightened as yourself would sure know the difference between violence and assault.


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