Parliamentary speaker raises “discord” concerns: Sun Online

Parliamentary Speaker Abdulla Shahid has claimed that discord such as the Majlis protests that saw President Mohamed Waheed Hassan initially blocked from providing his inaugural address this month has become a common occurrence since “authorities started doing things against the law.”

In an interview with the Sun Online news service, Shahid stressed that “any and all authorities” in the country were required to follow national laws in spite of whatever they wished to achieve whilst in office.

“In everything, we have lost control and things are going haywire, because steps have been taken in contravention to the dictates of the law,” he said.

“When the Executive starts violating the law, things would go wrong. As speaker of the Majlis, I am acting within the law, and I would not break the law even if the only way to achieve what I want to achieve politically is by breaking the law. The turmoil and tumult rampant in this country is the direct result of some authorities not respecting the law.”


2 thoughts on “Parliamentary speaker raises “discord” concerns: Sun Online”

  1. Speaker Shahid exofficio member of the Judicial Service Commission sat with myself (as member of JSC appointed by President Nasheed) in 2010 and saw the foundation laid for this Coup.
    Since then I have raised the matter continuously with both Speaker Shahid and the JSC as opportunity to uphold Rule of Law was lost the day JSC forced a political vow upon the judges. It was no constitutional oath on 4 August 2010.
    I maintain that, Speaker Shahid:
    1. Allowed (directed?) JSC to corrupt Judiciary; facilitated hijack of Judiciary by the Gayooms, deprived judges of independence and deprived State and People of Independent Judiciary.
    2. Abused powers of Speaker to prevent Majlis Inquiry, and covered it up.
    3. Attempted legitimising JSCs crimes of 4 Aug 2010 with Judges Act of 10 Aug 2010.
    4. Covered up the secrets of Abdulla Mohamed in JSC for investigation which suggested he is under influence of criminal/politicians and as such a threat to criminal justice/ national security.
    5. Remained silent, permitted Opposition Coup on a False Premise used to mislead Public and International Community.
    6. Attended to all the ceremonies of “legitimising” the “power transfer”.
    This is one big conspiracy, and Speaker Shahid, like many, failed to put Nation and Constitution first.

  2. Velizini can you construct a timeline of events for the public ........please


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