Government to help 1000 students with education fees

President Mohamed Waheed has stated that Maldivians could make no greater contribution to the country than to support the education system, during the launch of four government scholarship schemes.

Sun Online reported that Waheed had expressed his concerns that the level of Maldivians going int tertiary education was not too low given the Maldives’ recent promotion from Least Developed Country (LDC) status.

It was reported that the Ministry of Education announced scholarships for 440 students, provided by the Zakat fund.

State Education Minister Aminath Ali told Haveeru yesterday that it expected the four schemes would assist around 1000 students.

Waheed said that this plan to lighten the financial burden on parents was part of a World Bank scheme that he hoped would increase opportunities for jobs and tertiary study.


2 thoughts on “Government to help 1000 students with education fees”

  1. If its a World Bank scheme, why is the government taking credit? I'm confused. Who is actually doing the funding? Can you help me here tsk tsk.

    And 1000 students? That's all?


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