Letter on Alhan

Dear Editor,
Nihan and Ali Waheed seem to be a bit naive. I suspect that the “rat” is not Alhan. Alhan seems to be a member of DRP who would do anything for his party leaders. He was the guy who proposed the unfair bill on benefits for former Presidents.
In an interview after the vote Alhan declared his undying affection for his party leader and deputy leader. At the last DRP rally we saw the deputy party leader pleading with members not to blame Alhan, claiming that any divisions within the party will be a win for MDP.
We should also remember that at a recent MDP rally President Nasheed offered to delay the corruption cases and investigations if the opposition would help him on the no-confidence motion. We have also heard that the deputy leader DRP and two of his family members were taken to the police for questioning. We have also heard that MDP has threatened to make life difficult for MPs who supported the no-confidence motion and to reward those who vote against it.
It is only logical that MDP would have made similar threats and offers to the deputy leader of DRP.
So putting two and two together I feel the real rat is not Alhan.
