Teachers forced to work overtime without pay: Teachers Association

The Teachers Association has voiced concern over claims that teachers are being forced to work overtime by certain schools without pay.

President of the Teachers Association, Athif Abdul Hakeen, told local media that teachers are only paid 8 hours worth of overtime regardless of the length of their extra working hours.

In accordance to Article 37 (b) of the Employment Act, Athif told local media that it is mandatory for all employers to pay their staff for the time spent working beyond scheduled working hours.

“I would like to tell all heads of schools to refrain from forcing any staff to work for more than 8 hours.

“If they are to work more than the mentioned 8 hours, they shall be paid for their overtime work, as mentioned by Article 60 of the Civil Service Act,” Athif was quoted as saying in SunOnline.

The Teachers Association president claimed that some schools have threatened teachers who refuse to work overtime, stating that ‘they might have to think twice’ about how they fill out their appraisal forms.

Education Minister Asim Ahmed told local media that claims by the Teachers Association regarding a lack of overtime payment are lies that have no basis.


2 thoughts on “Teachers forced to work overtime without pay: Teachers Association”

  1. It is a well known secret and an open secret that teachers are forced to work overtime without payment and the system progressed over years as most of the victims are foreign teachers and if they refused they are losing their job without delay and the ones who want to work for sometime keep mum to avoid the situation and is it only against the Maldives constitution?it is against the international law..who bothers these things in Maldives which has become a practice for the poor Indians....but the situation is going to change....

  2. Forced to work overtime?

    By far, the biggest forced activity is the rampant shoving of unprecedented junk of Arabian culture of dark ages into our guys, bones, without any logical explanation, but with pure intimidation.


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