Police grant 710 officers permission to grow beards following regulation change

Over 700 policemen have been issued permission slips to grow their beards, local media has reported.

710 police officers requested permission to grow their beards following the amended dress code published in the government gazette on May 30, 2013.

Although the rules regarding beard growth were not specified in the gazette, police “urgently” amended the regulations to allow beard growth up to two centimeters.

Police officers issued permission slips will be required to photograph themselves after seven days.

“After that they will be granted permission to grow their beards,” a police spokesperson told local media.

Bearded police will then be issued an identity card, however the recipients will not be allowed to make any alterations to their beards while the card is valid.

Uniform regulations for Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) officers were also amended June 1 to allow military personnel to grow beards up to two centimeters.

Soldiers who chose to grow their beards must also obtain permission and are required to take a vacation until their beards are fully grown, MNDF Spokesperson Colonel Abdul Raheem told local media.

Defence Minister Mohamed Nazim previously told local media that the decision was made after requests from MNDF officers, on the grounds of religion and human rights.


2 thoughts on “Police grant 710 officers permission to grow beards following regulation change”

  1. There is only one problem with this. Very soon they just might try to shorten the trousers to mid-shin-lengths.

    If that happens....

  2. Religious right? Which religion says you have to keep a 2 cm stubble? Shaheemism? The mullahs want to turn your face into a fithuroanu forest, not the White House lawns. The mullahs also want you to give them the right to roll their pants and for women to wear the beehive suit. Give them those rights Nazi, like you've given them the right to dance cross-dressed.

    This idea of religious and human rights is dangerous. What if suddenly they demand to worship Jesus or ask for gay marriage? Nazi should think about that.


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