MMA issues warning over counterfeit currency

The Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) has warned the public to be vigilant over the circulation of counterfeit MVR 100 and MVR 500 notes.

The notes in question are said to be of inferior quality to the genuine currency, notably in terms of the paper on which they are printed, according to a statement (Dhivehi) issued by the financial body.

Members of the public who have acquired any suspicious notes are requested to bring them to the MMA to ensure they are authentic.

An official helpline, which can be reached by dialling 333 1793, has also been established for anyone with concerns over the counterfeit notes.


One thought on “MMA issues warning over counterfeit currency”

  1. Barter system is best. Sell your donkey for 5 concubines or your camel for a tonne of dates - problem solved. Besides these notes have images of humans printed on them. So it is Islamic kyrptonite. Haraam. Haraam. Haraam.


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