Three Burmese nationals rescued after jumping overboard

Three Burmese expats who jumped off a boat to get to Male’ have been rescued, report police.

In a statement today, police said the three men jumped off the boat in an attempt to leave the country and return to Myanmar, after their employer failed to pay their wages for three months.

Police said the men were found in the sea by a small dingy that was out fishing this morning at 5:30am.


2 thoughts on “Three Burmese nationals rescued after jumping overboard”

  1. Pity these poor Burmese!
    I am sure they must have been promised the moon.
    Burmese Junta and the Maldivian Junta under who respective Immigration work, surely must be making a fast buck on this.
    No wonder why the Immigration Department was taken under the Defence umbrella even when the parliament did not allow it.
    Making hay is possible only when the sun shines!
    Awaiting to see who their employer is, and what happened to these people to go crazy like this!

  2. Slaves who attempt to desert should be severely punished. A public flogging at Jumhooree Maidhan on Friday afternoon would be good. That's where the local slaves gather on their weekly break.


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