Fuvamulah MP Shifaq joins Jumhoree Party

MP for Fuvamulah Shifaq Mufeed has resigned from Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and signed with the Jumhoree Party (JP) led by business tycoon and Maamigili MP Gasim Ibrahim.

Shifaq Mufeed held a press conference at the JP office after the signing ceremony and told the media that he did not have any issues with the PPM.

Mufeed said he had met with former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and informed him of his decision to leave the PPM, and the reasons for his decision.

He claimed that the JP was established with knowledge and wisdom and that he believed development could only be achieved by joining it.

Mufeed also said that he had not joined the JP to gain any political benefits, and praised Gasim saying he wanted to join someone trying to bring changes to the nation.

He criticised Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) policies its manifesto, claiming that the MDP had failed to implement its pledges while in power.

On May 5, several weeks after the controversial transfer of power, Mufeed resigned from the MDP and joined the PPM.

At the time he publicly criticised the MDP, saying that its leadership was “in a coma” and disputing its call for early elections.

Mufeed also went against the MDP party line, attending the Majlis session in which the government’s nominees for the Vice-Presidency and the cabinet were confirmed by the coalition parties.

PPM presidential candidate Abdull Yameen described Mufeed’s departure as “irreparable”.

“Shifaq was active, sincere to the party and worked diligently for the election. He worked in our team without being weary and also worked hard for our party in parliament. It is an irreparable loss, even personally,” Yameen said, according to local media.


4 thoughts on “Fuvamulah MP Shifaq joins Jumhoree Party”

  1. After February 7 coup he joined PPM because PPM had the biggest stake in government at the time. Now he's joining JP because he thinks Gasim is going to win this election in the second round. What a prostitute!

  2. Be truthful to yourself. Be a Mordisian. Be proud. Be corrupt! Be a thief! Extend your harem! Be a hypocrite! Be all that is inherently and historically Mordisian. Great Move! Good Job!

  3. Shifag is playing musical chairs cause he is in danger of loosing his chair. I doubt his constituents will elect him another term.


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