Man lost at sea after falling overboard

A man fell off a boat seven nautical miles north of Raa Thodoo yesterday morning and is lost at sea.

The boat was from Alif Dhaal Omadhoo, and had been on its way to sell fish to Alif Alif Kuramathi resort when the man fell into the sea.

The 25 year-old Banlgedeshi man was last seen wearing a red shirt and was around five feet and

The coast guard has urged all vessels and islands in the region to keep an eye out for the missing man.


President receives invitation to SAARC summit

President Nasheed has received an invitation to the 16th South Asian Summit for Region Cooperation (SAARC) to be held in Bhutan.

The letter of invitation was presented to the president by the Bhutanese Prime Minister, Jigme Thinley.

President Nasheed said that the SAARC summit should be ‘result orientated’, and that greater cooperation among member countries was needed.


Maldivian to expand international destinations

Local airline Maldivian has announced it is planning to travel to more international destinations including Dubai, Dhaka, Mumbai and Madras.

According to TVM, the airline will secure a  Boeing 737 jet that will travel the new routes.

The airline announced that only the airline’s senior pilots would fly the aircraft.

Maldivian currently flies to Trivandrum and Colombo. The airline is also looking to expand its local destinations, and is in talks with airport developers at Baa Dharavandhoo.


Police arrest drug dealers in southern atolls

Police have arrested two men suspected of being among the most prolific drug dealers in the Gaaf Dhaal and Faumulaku regions.

Both men were in possession of narcotics when the arrests were made. Police said the arrests followed an operation conducted by a team from Male’ to track and apprehend major players in the drug industry.

The Gaaf Dhaal dealer was arrested on 1 January on Gaaf Dhaal Thinadhoo. The Faumulaku man was arrested on 4 January.

Both are currently under police custody while the case is being investigated.


Small political parties to be abolished, says EC

The Election Commission (EC) has announced it will look to abolish all political parties with less than 3000 members.

According to TVM, the president of the election commission Fuwad Thaufeeq said the commission would make improvements to its political party regulations.

Fuwad said that the new regulation is being drafted and would be submitted to parliament next week.

Part of the new regulation will state that a new party will have three to six months to gather the required 3000 members.


President Nasheed addresses drug issue at rally

President Mohamed Nasheed has said the the amount of drugs smuggled into the country “has decreased 100 per cent” over the last year.

President Nasheed made the comments while speaking at a rally for the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

Nasheed said that the fight on drugs was one of the five pledges made by the party, and highlighted the declining number of drug addicts on the street.

According to Miadhu, the President also said that the government would pay out Rf1.2 billion in subsidies “to improve peoples lives”.


MNDF club take out 3rd division title

MNDF club have won the national 3rd division football title, beating the Police club 3-2 on penalties to win the final.

The match was held on the Maafanu turf ground.

At full time the scores were level 1-1, with MNDF striking first to gain an early goal through Ibrahim Mohamed. The Police club had a late equaliser courtesy of Mohamed Nizam.

In the penalty shoot out that followed, MNDF goalkeeper Mohamed Binaahu made three saves.

Supporters from both clubs were banned from entering the stadium for the final as the previous match between the two clubs had led to heated exchanges.


Presdident meets Chinese foreign minister

President Mohamed Nasheed has with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, Mr Yang Jiechi.

During Jiechi’s official visit the two discussed many issues including climate change, tourism, fisheries and investment possibilities..

According to the president’s office, Nasheed said the Maldives was currently looking for Chinese investment in its aqua culture sector.

Jiechi also told the president that China would honour its commitments made in Copenhagen, and would fully cooperate to reach a viable agreement on climate change.


Football stadium opened in Hinnavaru

President Mohamed Nasheed opened a football stadium on Hinnavaru island.

The stadium was built by Palm Beach Resort and Spa and was opened in a ceremony on Sunday, which was followed by a football match was played between a Hinnavaru team and a Palm Beach team.

Nasheed said the stadium would assist the development of sport in the region.
