Former President denies being invited to scholars symposium

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has denied claims by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs that he was invited to the religious scholars symposium organised by the ministry to reduce conflicts on religious issues.

In a statement yesterday, Gayoom said he “deeply regretted” the Islamic Ministry informing the media that the former President declined to participate in the two-day symposium that concluded last night.

Gayoom is a graduate of Egypt’s al-Azhar University where he finished top of his class in 1966.

Islamic Ministry Spokesperson Ahmadulla Jameel told newspaper Haveeru that a text message was sent to Gayoom’s phone on Friday night upon his return to the country after two months in Malaysia.

The other scholars were first invited through text messages before official invitation letters were sent, Jameel explained, adding that he could not say whether Gayoom received the message.

The ministry had previously corresponded with the former President from the same mobile phone number, Jameel said.


Police arrest arson suspect in Miladhoo fire case

Police have arrested a suspect in the arson attack on Noonu atoll Miladhoo island council office last week.

Police confirmed the arrest, however they did not give any further details as the investigation is ongoing.

Local newspaper Haveeru identified the arson suspect as Mohamed Aboobakuru, aged 45, of Kashmeeruvaadhee in Miladhoo.

The fire, which was reported on the early morning of December 28, wreaked extensive damage on the Miladhoo council office and the adjacent island court.

President of the Miladhoo island council Hussain Ghassan earlier told Minivan News that the had received “several threats” from some people unhappy with the council, of which a majority sides with opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP).

“Some even threatened to burn down the office”, he said.

Ghassan reported that the council work has been halted due to the incident and they are looking for a new office to continue work.

However, he said it would be difficult to proceed as “all the paperwork, furniture and other items were lost to the fire”. The damage would cost the council around Rf 1 million (US$65,000), he added.
