Serious accident in Thinadhoo

Two 19 year olds were seriously injured in an automobile accident in Gaaf Dhaalu Thinadhoo.

A car and motorcycle collided into each other and left both badly damaged, police report.

The accident happened on Aabaadhee Higun around 7:00 pm last night.

Both of the victims are receiving treatment at Thinadhoo Regional Hospital.


Airports Company transfers 200 employees

More than 200 employees from the Maldives Airports Company will be transferred to the Civil Aviation Ministry and the Maldivian National Defense Force (MNDF).

Managing Director Mohamed Ibrahim said 84 employees working at the air traffic control tower will be transferred tothe  civil aviation ministry while 179 airport security officers will be transferred to the MNDF.

The company is being restructured and the transfer of employees is part of the downsizing project.


Police arrest three connected to gang rape

Police have confirmed that three men have been arrested for raping a 40 year old woman in Gnaviyani Faumulaku.

The woman and her husband were stopped by three masked men on Friday night. After being taken at knife point to a remote beach area of the island, the men tied the husband to a tree and gang raped the woman.

Police said that the men were arrested with assistance from the Fuamulak community and the Fuamulak Crime Prevention Committee.


Childrens’ park reopens

The ‘Kudakudhinge Bageecha’ childrens’ park has reopened today, after the government eased the swine flu alert level.

The park has been closed down since 25 November after the health ministry raised the swine flu alert level from three to four.

The park is run by the Maldivian National Defense Force (MNDF) and is open everyday from 4 to 6 pm.


President returns after visit to Abu Dabi, Bahrain and India

President Mohamed Nasheed has returned home after finishing his visit to Abu Dabi, Bahrain and India.

During this visit Nasheed addressed the world future energy summit and met Bahrain’s senior government officials, as well as members of the banking, investment, and finance sectors.

While in India he attended the partnership summit organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry, and signed an agreement with Apollo Hospitals to manage Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH).


Port of Colombo releases Maldivian Ship

A ship owned by the Maldivian National Shipping Ltd, (MNSL) has been released by the port of Colombo in Sri Lanka after being impounded for three months.

According to Haveeru, the 8000 tonne ship was apprehended on 5 November 2009.

The ship had owed money to a Singaporean company and has now paid the total amount, Haveeru reports.

Another Maldivian ship was also trapped for 20 days in Malaysia during July 2009 over issues regarding payments for oil.


Islamic Ministry inspects mosque building projects

The Islamic Ministry has inspected the construction of new mosques in Haa Dhaalu Nolhivaram, Shaviyani Ihaimagu and some other islands in Shaviyani atoll.

The ministry reports that the construction of a new mosque at Nolhivaram was taking too long and had prompted the inspection, while the mosque at Shaviyani Ihaimagu had been completed.

The team returned from the inspection yesterday.
