Government claims committed to flogging reforms as UK omits Maldives from FCO’s list of human rights “concerns”

The government has continued to pursue legal reforms over the use of punishments like flogging as the UK Foreign Office opts against listing the Maldives as a country of concern for human rights abuses this year.

Couple charged with murder after allegedly aborting, burying five-month old foetus

Aminath Shaahee Aalam, 21 years-old, was 20 weeks pregnant when she gave birth December 12, 2012, according to local media. Shortly after she gave birth her husband, 26 year-old Ibrahim Wisam, allegedly placed the foetus in a plastic bag and buried it at the beach.

President Waheed slams efforts to boycott Maldives tourism over nation’s “shortcomings”

The president added that no matter how well developed any country was, all nations faced political and social problems that needed to be addressed, he therefore criticised any attempts to use such “shortcomings” as a means to back a boycott campaign.

High Court appeal of 15 year-old rape victim’s sentence begins

The state attorney claimed the 15 year-old’s testimony was taken in violation of constitution and the charges against her were filed in violation of criminal procedure.

Flogging of 15 year-old “tip of the iceberg” of Maldives’ treatment of sex offences: Amnesty’s South Asia Director

“Right now, all departments charged with the girl’s welfare are finger pointing and passing the blame,” Amnesty’s South Asia Director Polly Truscott said. “But we have met others incarcerated in the country in similar circumstances to this girl.”

Services halted, Maldivians deprived of progress following “coup”: Nasheed alleges

“President Waheed has neglected the most prosperous one and a half years of this nation,” former President Mohamed Nasheed has alleged. Meanwhile, his successor continues a tour of state development projects across North Maalhosmadulu Atoll.

The darker side of the Maldives: The Independent

Recent weeks have put a spotlight on Islamic fundamentalism in the Maldives after a 15-year-old girl who had been repeatedly raped by her stepfather was sentenced to 100 lashes for ‘fornication’,” writes Eric Randolph for UK-based newspaper, The Independent.

Maldives records double-digit tourist arrival growth during first quarter of 2013

Tourism arrivals to the Maldives during the first quarter of 2013 were up 14.6 percent over the same period last year, as declining Western European demand failed to offset growing interest in the destination from Asia and Eastern Europe.