JSC President Justice Adam Mohamed Abdulla resigns

A JSC press statement released today explained that the Supreme Court Justice had submitted his letter of resignation, saying that Adam Mohamed had requested to be excused, citing personal circumstances.

Uz Adam Mohamed Abdulla appointed as a Judicial Service Commission member

The President appointed Uz Adam Mohamed Abdulla as a member of the Judicial Service Commission yesterday. He was elected by other judges of the High Court to serve as a Judicial Service Commission member. There was a special ceremony at the President’s Office yesterday, where President Nasheed presented Uz Adam the letter of appointment for … Continue reading Uz Adam Mohamed Abdulla appointed as a Judicial Service Commission member

Judge Abdulla suspected of involvement in “contract killing,” says Nasheed

In a closing statement prepared for his terrorism trial, former President Nasheed alleged that the role assigned for Judge Abdulla under the contract was releasing murder suspect Ibrahim Shahum Adam from police custody.

Ex Chief of Defence Forces ‘chaired military meeting’ ahead of Judge Abdulla’s arrest

Although Ex Chief of Defence Forces Moosa Ali Jaleel had denied any involvement in the arrest of Criminal Court Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed, his former deputy said he chaired a military meeting requesting the MNDF be brought to alert ahead of the judge’s arrest.

“I was not afforded the rights of the accused,” says Judge Abdulla

Testifying in court tonight, Judge Abdulla said his constitutional rights were violated during his military detention from January 16 – February 7, 2012. Nasheed, meanwhile, called the Criminal Court’s rushed trial unlawful, and requested time to appoint new lawyers and asked for adequate time to prepare defence.

Tholhath vowed not to release Judge Abdulla even if he were to be jailed for 30 years, says witness

Lieutenant Ali Ihusan said Tholhath told him that letters from the police commissioner and home minister requesting military assistance in detaining the Criminal Court chief judge “could save us one day.”