Indian High Commission slams Education Ministry over stranded expatriate teachers

“My concerns for these teachers are that they are trained professionals working in the government sector who are following the legal procedures, but are being penalised for it,” said First Secretary of the Indian High Commission S. C. Agarwal.

Finance Committee decision to grant ownership of state-owned flats to three judges “unconstitutional”, finds ACC

The Finance Committee decided in February that three senior judges occupying state-owned apartments leased by the now-defunct Justice Ministry were to be granted ownership of the flats upon full payment.

Challenges to climate change governance: Transparency Maldives

According to a preliminary report on Climate Governance Integrity by Transparency Maldives, US$160.5 million dollars is being spent on various climate change projects through externally funded grants and loans – but governance is scattered and confused.

Maldives has solid framework for women’s rights, but numbers still disturbing

Although the Maldives’ human development performance has seen admirable progress over the last decade, the country faces major challenges in combating gender inequalities and widespread violence against women and girls, writes Hawwa Lubna.

Heavy Load’s Thilafushi project one fifth completed in double the allotted time

Financial, technical, and legal delays have caused the Thilafushi reclamation project, awarded to the Heavy Load Maldives company in 2010, to have reclaimed only 32 of an agreed 157 hectares in a scheme that has now overrun by nine months.