President ranked 14th ‘hottest’ leader

President Mohamed Nasheed has been ranked as the 14th hottest leader in the world out of 172 on the list, Miadhu reports.

The president came before US President Barack Obama who followed in 15th place.

The number one slot was given to Yulia Tymoshenko, the Ukranian prime minister followed by Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and Bhutanese King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il is the least ‘hot’.


VP to attend SAFF final

Vice President Dr Mohamed Waheed departed for Bangladesh yesterday to attend the final match of the SAFF championship.

Defending champions, the Maldives, will play India tomorrow evening in the capital Dhaka after they beat Sri Lanka 5-1 yesterday.

Before his departure, Waheed said he was going to the final to offer the Maldivian football team support on behalf of the president, the government and the people of the Maldives.

Accompanying the vice president, will be Hassan Afeef, presidential political advisor, and Mohamed Hunaif, the minister of state for home affairs.

Speaking to press, Afeef said the president requested all government employees and staff of state-owned companies, except those who wear uniforms, to dress in red – the colour of the national football team.


VP attends cultural festival

Vice President Dr Mohamed Waheed attended the fourth Japan-Maldives festival on Thursday.

At the festival, Waheed said the relationship between the Maldives and Japan gave Maldivians the opportunity to learn about developing a modern democracy where political parties co-exist.

The annual festival is organised by volunteers of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers and Japan International Cooperation Agency Alumni Society in the Maldives.

The purpose of the event is to familiarise Maldivians with Japanese culture.


Maldives to expand aquaculture

President Mohamed Nasheed said the government planned to open up the fisheries sector to aquaculture.

The Maldives would hold an international seafood exhibition next year on Fishermen’s Day, Nasheed added speaking at a function at Thiladhunmathi atoll Ihavandhoo.

The president said the fisheries sector and economy had been badly affected during the past year and that fish catch had declined for a fifth consecutive year.

He said the increase in fuel prices last year had worsened the situation.

At the function, held to mark Fishermen’s Day, the president gave out prizes, a memorial plaque and commemorative certificates.


Maldives in SAAF finals

The Maldives has reached the final of the SAAF championship after beating Sri Lanka 5-1, Miadhu reports.

The first goal was scored by Ahmed Thorig in the 21st minute and was equalised by Sri Lanka in the 62nd minute by Ediri Bandage Channa.

But a minute later, Fazeel scored a second goal giving the Maldives a lead.

A third goal was scored by Ashfag in the 76th minute as he kicked the ball over the goalkeeper and the fourth was a penalty kick in the 85th minute.

Maldives scored again in the 87th minute taking them to the finals against India who beat Bangladesh 1-0.


President departs to Haa Alif

President Mohamed Nasheed left for a tour of several islands in Haa Alif atoll this morning.

Yesterday, Nasheed met with residents of Maarandhoo and spoke about the importance of establishing a transport system in the region.

He promised a transport network would be up and running within the next two months.


Maldives defeats India 2-0 in quarterfinals

The Maldives beat India 2-0 in the South Asian Football Federation (SAFF) cup, taking them to the semifinals against Sri Lanka this Friday, Haveeru reports.

Ahmed Thoriq scored the first goal in the 15th minute after a pass by Ali Ashfag (Dhangadey). The score remained 1-0 at half time.

In the second half, the Indian team lost one of their strikers, Balwant Singh, who was sent off for an awkward dive.

The second goal was scored in the 82nd minute by Fazeel Ibrahim (Oppo).

The match was held at Bangabandhu National Stadium in Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Cabinet withdraws islands from resort development

The cabinet withdrew 39 islands selected for resort development from the list of 64 on Tuesday, according to Haveeru.

Although the 39 islands had been leased out for resorts, no construction work had yet been carried out.

Tourism Minister Dr Ahmed Ali Sawad said the government had decided to give additional time to resorts where construction was underway but had not reached a decision on islands where construction had not yet begun.

Sawad said the government was authorised to take action against lessees if they did not adhere to their contracts even if an advance payment had been paid.

He added the government’s intention was to ensure that the leased islands were developed as tourist resorts.

“We have to take all the necessary steps to ensure that the development of the resorts proceeds,” Sawad said. “We also have to see which parties have the financial means to do it. They have to be given the opportunity.”


Illegal eateries closed

The Maldives Food and Drug Authority (MFDA) has closed seven eateries commonly patronised by expatriate workers, Miadhu reports.

Health inspectors said several eateries were being operated without registration while others had low levels of hygiene.

Three of the eateries complied and closed shop, while four had to be closed with police assistance, the
MFDA said. The managers of these establishments were also taken into custody.
