Indian sailing expedition departs from Mumbai to Malé

Thirty-six sailors from regiments of the Indian Army currently at the College of Military Engineering (CME) have begun a sailing expedition from Mumbai to Malé and back, reports

Commandant of CME Lieutenant General USP Sinha said ventures such as this would “instill a spirit of adventure among young officers.”

The expedition will cover a total of 3,000 nautical miles (5,000 km), travelling from Mumbai to Colombo then Malé and back to Mumbai.

Leader of the expedition, Major Karunakaran of the CME said cruising non-stop on the Arabian Sea without any technological devices “called out to the adventurers in all of us.”

The sailors will set out on Yacth Trishna, a 36-foot Swan Class of 1970 vintage, which did an around the world trip in 1986.


Port of Colombo releases Maldivian Ship

A ship owned by the Maldivian National Shipping Ltd, (MNSL) has been released by the port of Colombo in Sri Lanka after being impounded for three months.

According to Haveeru, the 8000 tonne ship was apprehended on 5 November 2009.

The ship had owed money to a Singaporean company and has now paid the total amount, Haveeru reports.

Another Maldivian ship was also trapped for 20 days in Malaysia during July 2009 over issues regarding payments for oil.
