Q&A: Shahida Zubair, Organic Maldives

Shahida Zubair is the founder of Island Organics Maldives Pvt. Ltd., which in 2007 funded the Maldives’ first organic farm on Maarikilu, Baa Atoll. In an interview with Minivan News, Zubair describes the methods which are transforming Maarikilu’s sandy and low-nutrient terrain into agriculturally productive and sustainable soil. The method could help reduce the country’s heavy dependency on foreign imports, fuel and pesticides while improving nutritional value and civilian economic independence.

Eleanor Johnstone: When, how and why was your farm established?

Shahida Zubair: The idea of starting an organic farm came from my experiences of visiting agricultural islands in Maldives. For years I have seen agricultural workers using highly toxic synthetic fertilisers and chemical pesticides on their crops, entirely oblivious and ignorant of the damage they cause the soil and the environment, not to mention expensive for the farmers themselves.

Simply explaining the concept of organic farming to these farmers was not effective, so I realised that my skills as an ecologist could be utilised to demonstrate the concept of organic farming, an ecologically sustainable form of agriculture which works in harmony with the environment. I therefore founded the company Island Organics in 2007, and began successfully cultivating and producing organically-grown produce on Maarikilu, Baa Atoll.

EJ: Was the idea of an organic farm in the Maldives original, and what responses did you get from officials or locals when you first proposed the project?

SZ: We have pioneered the concept of sustainable organic farming in the Maldives. Our farm began as a pilot project committed towards empowering local communities by demonstrating and teaching the skills, knowledge and technique of organic farming.

At first, the local community was sceptical and expected us to give up quickly as they thought we would not be successful.  However officials from the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture have been very supportive and encouraged us throughout our trials. We believe we have an excellent partnership with them as they have always given us advice and direction whenever we requested for it.

We host people from the local communities, especially women and youth, on field visits to our farm, so that they can see firsthand the methods we are using for farming organically and how to prepare and use biological pesticides safely. We demonstrate the method of composting so that they can implement it in their home gardens and become self-reliant, instead of buying expensive synthetic fertilisers and proved that crops can be protected using biological pesticides effectively instead of chemical pesticides which are harmful to them and the environment.

On September 25th, 2011, we hosted a field visit of 40 people from Dharavandhoo, Baa Atoll. Thirty of them were Certificate Level participants of the sustainable agriculture course “Promoting community resilience to climate change”, organised by the NGO Live & Learn, in collaboration with Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture. The field visit was very successful, the majority of the participants were women who were very eager to stop using artificial fertilisers and chemical pesticides and start making their own compost in their home gardens, especially after realising that it is more beneficial financially and environmentally.

Four extra field visits have been organised in the near future by the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture and Live & Learn, with participants from Kihaadhoo, Kamadhoo, Maalhos and Kudarikilu, Baa Atoll.

EJ: What types of food do you grow, or plan to grow?

SZ: We currently cultivate papaya, aubergine, several varieties of chilli pepper, pumpkin, butter nut squash, gourds, cucumber, radish, beet root, rocket salad, cabbage, lemon grass, Maldivian breed of free-range organic chickens and Dhiyaa Hakuru (Coconut Sugar Syrup). We hope to expand and produce organic virgin coconut oil, granulated coconut sugar and canned coconut milk.

EJ: Many studies have concluded that the Maldivian terrain is unsuitable to farming–what’s your methodology?

SZ: Our methodology is an alternative to synthetic fertilisers. We prepare the fields using a mixture of shredded coconut husk, organic compost, green manure and ash, all of which are prepared on site. Other natural soil fertilisers are sourced locally, such as fish bone meal from islands such as Felivaru, and seaweed from Hithaadhoo and Thulhaadhoo. By limiting the source of these materials to local suppliers, we are striving to strengthen the local economy and ensure that suppliers in the Maldives are economically supported. These resources form part of the crucial nutrient cycle as composting improves the soil structure, helping to retain moisture and provide nutrients. Organic compost is undeniably superior to synthetically produced fertilisers. A nutrient rich soil produces healthy plants which are consequentially better able to resist insect and disease attacks; therefore the dependence on chemical pesticides is eliminated.

The model we have been implementing on the farm for the last four and half years is simple and cost effective because we use renewable resources to fertilise our crops. This is therefore sustainable and can easily be replicated in home gardens and on other agricultural islands. It also contributes to food security because soil remains fertile over a long period of time. This simple model empowers communities by being self-sufficient and self-reliant, as well as economical because residents do not have to depend on imported synthetic fertilisers and chemical pesticides.

The soil in most islands is not fertile and due to the sandy condition does not retain nutrients for a long period. It is possible however, to convert it to fertile soil using the methods we are implementing on the farm. The process of composting in Maldives is surprisingly fast due to the warm temperature and high humidity of our climate. Organic matter breaks down into compost within 3-4 months due to bacterial activity. So, yes it is an astonishingly fast process with wonderful results. Since we have been able to achieve success, we believe anyone can replicate this model almost anywhere in the Maldives with a bit of hard work and patience. The appeal is simple implementation.

EJ: How does the Organic Farm reflect the growing global trend of sustainable living and organic agriculture?

SZ: Over the last few years, consumer demand for sustainably produced food has increased rapidly.  The global trend towards living sustainably is becoming more popular and efforts to reduce the carbon footprint are increasing daily. The future of agriculture is sustainable small farms with self-reliant communities. The current use of synthetic fertilisers and chemical pesticides has been proven to be unsustainable and harmful to the environment. As we have been reducing our reliance on fossil fuels (by using solar energy) and only use natural fertilisers, our farm reflects the growing trend for sustainability.

EJ: What could organic farming do for Maldivians, and for the national economy?

SZ: Because the produce can be consumed immediately, the fruit and vegetables have higher nutrients and so are healthier for us. Food miles are non-existent, saving on the damaging greenhouse gas emissions associated with our modern food chains. Waste is more or less eliminated from going into landfills because they are being composted and turned into fertiliser. And by managing their home gardens using organic principles, locals will encourage bio-diversity, thereby helping improve their local environment.

At present, Maldives is heavily dependent on imports, especially food and energy. One way of reducing this dependency is through organic farming which contributes towards food security by strengthening the agricultural sector. It will increase income opportunities, strengthen our livelihoods, improve nutrition, thereby improve our quality of life. It will also reduce dependency on expensive imports of synthetic fertilisers and chemical pesticides and instead we can become self-sustaining using local resources.

EJ: What do you see happening next in the country’s agricultural sector?

SZ: We are facing rapidly rising fuel costs; undeniably the way forward is sustainable agriculture using renewable energy technology in the agricultural sector. We should start implementing types of renewable energy such as solar and wind energy, biomass fuelled from waste.

Currently there is a rising interest in hydroponics. However, I believe that organic farming is a far more efficient and sustainable form of agriculture, especially as water is such a precious commodity in the Maldives.

It is my belief that it is imperative for small farms to transition to an ecologically managed system of agriculture if they are to be competitive and sustainable in the long run. Our method of sustainable organic farming is a combination of crops and livestock, with poultry and goats. Chickens and goats all provide a source of income and supply manure which we use as a fertiliser for our crops. This integrated system of crops and livestock on small farms can be more competitive because they can be more energy-efficient and self-sustaining.

The stakeholders involved in the agricultural sector should realise that the only way forward in such a fragile environment as the Maldives is by farming organically. It is the only method where we can preserve and conserve our soil, fragile aquifers and our marine environment, as well as adapt to climate change.

I feel that we as a nation are at the right moment to launch this type of sustainable agriculture which has enormous potential for the local market. It also is very appealing for the tourism industry as we can offer locally grown quality organic produce to our luxury hotels instead of importing produce grown in other countries.

The Organic Farm plans to expand its current workforce of ten by hiring and offering internships to locals. The farm is currently self-sufficient, operating on profits earned from produce sales.


Government to allow canning of imported fish

The government says it will allow imported fish to be processed at the country’s canning factories to help try and alleviate concerns over shortages in local supplies.

President Mohamed Nasheed claimed that a “dwindling” local fish catch had meant Maldivian canneries were currently running below capacity. To alleviate the potentially detrimental impacts of this situation on the country’s fishing industry, the government hopes allowing the processing of fresh imported fish will help businesses to diversify their products lines and re-export a more diverse array of canned products.

The government insisted that despite records of improved catches in the country’s northerly atolls, fish numbers have fallen over the last decade. In looking to further diversify the country’s fisheries income, Nasheed said that the government has pledged to step up sea cucumber exports.


Bangkok riots delay imports, but “no major disruptions” says STO

Products imported to Maldives from Thailand were delayed due to political unrest in Bangkok last week, but Chairman of the State Trading Organisation (STO), Faruq Umar, said there “was a short delay, but no major disruptions” in imports.

He said the Maldives depends mostly on Thailand for foodstuffs, construction materials such as PVC pipes, and other hardware materials.

“It has been solved and will resume soon,” Faruq said, adding “there has been no shortage as such” of any indispensable goods.

He added Maldives is also importing many products from China, India and Brazil.

Minister for Economic Development, Mahmud Razee, said “at this moment, [a delay] hasn’t kicked in yet.”

He said there could be a possible delay soon, but “now the issue has been resolved,” and he does not expect the delay to be major.

“We rely on Thailand primarily for garments,” he said, adding that many people “go there, buy them and air-freight them back. It’s only in the last couple of weeks they have not been able to do that.”

He said despite the political unrest in Thailand, “impact has not been that significant” in the Maldives.

Press Secretary for the President’s Office, Mohamed Zuhair, said most “textiles, clothes, ladies’ fashion and children’s toys” in the Maldives come from Thailand, and many shipments have been delayed due to the political unrest in the country.

He added there has been an “unforeseen decline” for import businesses in Maldives that depend on Thai products.

According to the World Bank, Thailand is one of the top-five import (and export) partners of Maldives. According to Maldives Customs, imports from Thailand in 2008 amounted to 4.3 percent of all imports to the country.


After the 2006 military coup to oust then Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, a group known as the ‘Red Shirts’ has called on new PM, Abhisit Vejjajiva, to dissolve parliament and hold new elections.

The Red Shirts had been protesting for weeks, and massive protest was organised in Lumpini Park last Wednesday. Military forces entered the park and dispersed protesters, but several smaller riots broke out across the city throughout the day.

A bank, police station, local TV station and the country’s biggest mall were all set on fire, leading to a curfew that was meant to last until today. Prime Minister Vejjajiva has now extended the curfew, but said government agencies and schools will reopen on Monday.

The curfew has been extended until 24 May, and forbids people to leave their homes between 11 pm and 4 am. The curfew has meant many businesses, and even airlines, have been operating only a few hours a day.

Prime Minister Vejjajiva said on Saturday: “We have restored order in the capital of Bangkok and the provinces of Thailand. We will continue to move swiftly to restore normalcy and we recognise that as we move ahead, there are huge challenges ahead of us, particularly the challenge of overcoming the divisions that have occurred in this country.”

According to Thai government reports, there have been at least 50 deaths and over 400 people injured in the last few weeks due to violent clashes.


Imports decreased in 2009

Maldives Customs have announced that imports to the country have reduced by 34% over the last year, Miadhu reports.

Total imports for 2008 were Rf16 billion while in the 2009 total was down to Rf11 billion.

Aggregate rock, corrugated tin, fruits and vegetables all showed significant levels of decrease, customs said.
