Letter on monitoring Pakistan aid

Dear Ambassador, High Commission of Pakistan, Maldives

I am a Maldivian citizen who is exalted that the Maldivian people joined as a nation to raise funds for your country, the people of Pakistan who are affected by floods.

I am a concerned citizen about how the money is collected in the name of Pakistan citizens as there are no transparent systems in the Maldives to monitor the money being raised.

I wish that the Government of Pakistan would take this opportunity, at this time of need to help the Pakistan people, to establish transparent and accountable systems so that the international community’s confidence is built.

Establishing monitoring mechanisms is one way to raise further support and guarantee the voice of the affected communities.

I would aspire that you would establish monitoring systems at all levels so that corruption can be rooted out as much as possible.

The monitoring systems are required based on previous experiences with disasters in the developing countries (including the tsunami in the South Asian countries).

By maintaining a monitoring mechanism, the government of Pakistan and SAARC countries can play an effective role.

I wish the citizens of affected people of Pakistan a fast recovery. I commend the Government of Pakistan’s efforts in relief work to help people of Pakistan.

Yours sincerely

Fathimath Afiya

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4 thoughts on “Letter on monitoring Pakistan aid”

  1. Corruption on aid is literally in all developing countries, especially the common wealth countries who have been raised through greed, corruption, and personal gains. Just look at Haiti not even 6 months after the world poured millions of dollars in cash and aid.

    Haitians are still living in tents, the president palace not rebuilt and basic infrustrcuture not functioning. Why?

    Over 10 billions dollars has been provided to Afghanistan in the last 10 years, maybe 20billion to Pakistan over the last decade. The ordinary people are still living below poverty lines as we see on media. Where the ell in the money?

    As humans we need to help as we have sown Pakistan, but believe me or not, if we hand over the aid in CASH, rest assured 30% will reach its destined destination and the rest pocketed. Its a simple fact we all know.

    Give aid in goods. What does pakistan need today? Everything under flood and no where to live!!! Shelter, medicines and food. Forget food, donor countries will handle that. Maldives needs to support in medicines and maybe temporary shelter facilities which are immediately needed.

    NO CASH to a country wich has one of the worst corruption history ranging from all presidents, military generals to religious freaks!

  2. Pakistan withholds flood aid from religious minorities unless they convert to Islam.

  3. afiya... Amin, the chairperson of the commitee which organised the fundraising activities did not care about issues of transparency and accountability. as to where the money will go, whether it reaches the needy and so forth. so do you honestly think Pakistan in with its track record in transparency is going to care about whether the funds reach the needy? funds are pouring in, more than how much they actually need for reconstruction and rehabilitation... its and open ended Q


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