Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was disposed last night by his party, with his deputy Julia Gillard being sworn in today as the country’s new leader, and first female prime minister.
Rudd, who is on good terms with President Mohamed Nasheed, was elected in a landslide win in 2007 as leader of the Labor Party, but fell victim to factions within the party after his opinion polls plummeted, in what Australian Associated Press described as “a cloak-and-dagger plot hatched by shadowy backroom operators.”
“I have given my absolute all,” Rudd said, struggling to retain his composure in his final speech two hours after he stood down.
“I was elected by the Australian people as the prime minister… to bring back a fair go for all Australians. I have given my absolute best to do that,” he said, adding that he was less proud of “blubbering”.
“Having said all that folks, we’ve gotta zip,” he concluded.
Gillard gave credit to Rudd “for leading the nation in such difficult times and keeping people in work,’’ but said the government “was losing its way.”
“I love this country and I was not going to sit idly by and watch an incoming opposition cut health, cut education and smash rights at work,” she said.
Australian commentators observed that Rudd’s popularity divebombed during a damaging fight with Australia’s monolithic mining industry over a proposed 40 percent tax on their profits.
However many acknowledged surprise at the sheer speed of Rudd’s eviction – none more than Rudd himself, who visibly struggled through his exit speech.
Gillard appeared slightly discontented at the shadowy nature of her arrival at the helm and accepted the role somewhat grudgingly, remarking that she would not move into the Prime Minister’s official residence until she was voted into power in the upcoming Australian election.

I do not accept that the Labour Party can override the people's votes in this underhand way. I am disgusted. There was a time when there was a moral compass operating in public life in our country. Where are our ethical standards?
Why do we accept that it's acceptable that the Labour Party is thinking of re-election rather than working as it was elected to do. The PM had a trip to Canada tomorrow; a meeting with Obama was planned. Is the business of the country just dropped because the Labour Party wants to win the next election?
How sad that our first female PM comes in as a traitor, an opportunist, a double dealer. How can she smile? Where is her moral compass?
The first female PM!! 😀
Anni, go! Rudd is leading the way! Follow your friend! handover office to Dr Waheed.
This is all bad Karma of Nasheed, first it was in Ice land, then Rudd lost his job now, today Italy lost world cup dreams. All related to Nasheed's visit to these countries recently.
Is it really important who the Aussie PM is? What is the significance?
this is what happens when you try and tax the rich, in a modern democracy.
“I was elected by the Australian people as the prime minister… to bring back a fair go for all Australians."
Utter BS. The people had elected the Labour party but not Mr. Rudd to be PM.
For the latest check out Andrew Bolt´s blog:
Bolt predicted Rudd´s downfall many weeks ago.
Serves him right for trying to censor the internets. Behold the power of the People.
I feel sad because Kevin Rudd was stabbed on his back. Rudd has worked so hard to win the elections for his party.
It was a party coup that brought him down. No one deserves this kind of treatment from his own party.
I salute Rudd for dealing with it so swiftly.
Now its a ranga ranga. haha.