First charter flight from Mumbai brings 107 tourists to Addu

An inaugural charter flight from Mumbai, India to Seenu Atoll Gan arrived in the country on Sunday with 107 tourists, reports Haveeru.

The Kingfisher charter flight was organised by Indian travel agency Make My Trip in collaboration with the Maldives Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC).

The tourists were greeted upon arrival by Home Minister Mohamed Shihab, Indian Ambassador B M Muley and senior officials of MTDC and Gan Airport Company in a backdrop of traditional boduberu music.

While over a 1,000 Indian tourists have booked holidays at the Herethera resort, according to MTDC, the Kingfisher charter flights will operate bi-weekly on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

The travel agency meanwhile revealed that their goal was to bring over 6,000 Indian tourists to the Maldives – Indians currently account for just three percent of visitors to the country.

Previous charter flights from Italy and Germany introduced after the opening of Herethera in 2007 were short-lived and cancelled prematurely.


One thought on “First charter flight from Mumbai brings 107 tourists to Addu”

  1. in only one way, to lastlong our adduans,touristic destination is together with huvaduans, cos addu province only had few resorts, there fore we need, to deliver international tourists to addu and huvadu. is nesesary. so the most important thing is to introduce air taxi service in addu. that will be the real begining. to bring tourists to the south of maldives. like the real services from male, to ari attol, the same procedure wil work:so then the international flights from arround the world can come to addu, and tourists can be easily deliverd on time to addu resorts and huvadu.huvadu there the most beautifull islands surely tourists will like and enjoy.


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