Gasim’s Royal Island Resort sues government

Villa Hotels’ Royal Island Resort and Spa, owned by Jumhoory Party (JP) Leader and MP ‘Burma’ Gasim Ibrahim has sued the government and requested the Civil Court to cancel an order by the Tourism Ministry to close the resort’s Spa over allegations of prostitution operations.

Today the Civil Court issued a warrant to cancel the Tourism Ministry’s order and permit spa operations until the suit against the government is concluded.

Speaking for the government at this morning’s hearing, Attorney General Office’s lawyer Maryam Shunana told the Judge that issuing the warrant was equivalent to closing the entire suit, Haveeru reports.

Former Attorney General Azima Shukoor spoke on behalf of the resort.

Shukoor argued that according to the agreement made between the resort and the government, the resort has 30 days to correct any issue found by the government. If the resort fails to correct the issue within that time frame, the government may fine the resort US$10,000 (Rf154,200), reports Haveeru.

Shukoor claimed that the government’s order was given prior to any investigation and was based on allegations alone. She requested that the ministry’s order be cancelled.

She further requested for the warrant to keep the Spa open until the suit reaches a verdict, adding that if the warrant was not issued the resort risked a great loss.

Deputy Solicitor General Ahmed Usham asked whether the Spa was still open–Shukoor replied that it was functioning. Usham responded that losses to the resort should not be raised in court if the Spa was not closed according to the Ministry’s order.

Yesterday, Press Secretary for the President Mohamed Zuhair said that the government has decided to shut down all the massage parlors in the Maldives and is considering banning the trade of alcohol and pork throughout the Maldives in response to demands made by protestors on December 23.

Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Spokesperson and MP Ahmed Mahlouf called on the coalition of religious NGOs and opposition parties to take actions against the government’s decision to disrupt Gasim’s business operations.

He warned that the government will continue to disrupt other businesses run by opposition supporters.

Gasim has filed cases regarding the other four Villa resorts which were requested to close their spa operations. However, no hearings have yet been conducted.

Press Secretary Zuhair yesterday informed Minivan News that Gasim was pretending to be a victim only for political gain, and that the government’s decision was not intended to harm any individual.

He also said that spas Gasim’s resort were not the only ones asked to close operations, but that some spas and massage parlors in Male’ have also been asked to shut down business on similar charges.


25 thoughts on “Gasim’s Royal Island Resort sues government”

  1. This order of the court for spas in Villa resorts to be allowed their business would paralyse the government efforts to stop and wipe out prostitution in the country. There are more spas in resorts than elsewhere in the country. Unfortunately, the suit by the Villa group in the Civil Court against the government will prolong action against prostitution. This will be of greater concern to the religious pressure groups that made the demand on the government and would be eager to see all the spas across the country closed one day.

  2. He can sue the government and win. These judges are paid by him for years.

  3. Gasim is just doing his best to get as many assets under his control as he can.. and to expand his business to create a monopoly in many sectors.... and yet, he is using religion as a guise to mislead the people of the Maldives.

  4. I guess he doesn't like the taste of his own poison he spilled on Maldivians.

  5. I feel sorry for this country. This country is now run by a party of thugs, hooligans and uneducated retards. Seriously considering to quit MDP.

  6. The allegations of prostitution operations is unfounded and without proof.

    The government is punishing Gasim for his work as Chairman of Parliament Budget Committee.

    If the government action is unchecked, none of business in Maldives is safe from the government disruption.

  7. This government acts like a child, more like a spoilt brat. Very apparent that lack of policy and strategic thing. NO court with the respect for rule of law could allow such spontaneous behaviour.

  8. We have to find a way to bring down this dictatorship of Anni at any cost. This guy is worst than Hitler. He is the modern Stalin. I am 100% sure he will not step down even if he loses the president’s election in 2013. This guy will do anything to stay in power and will gulp every cent available.

  9. Balaga, massage parlours and spas are NOT allowed in Male or any inhabited island. The Ministry of Health does not register or licence spas, and I don't believe the Ministry of Economic Development gives permits to run massage parlours. So if indeed there are any spas and massage parlours operating in male' and other inhabited islands, they are illegal and action should be taken against them. I would like Minivan to review this and correct this misleading information in this article.

  10. WOW ,






  11. Gasim stepping on his own tail!
    Now what Adhaalath?
    Which would you uphold?
    Work of Gasim & his spatitution or the word of Allah in Islam!
    Don't tell me it is both to secure your ends!

  12. spas are not brothels. get it through your thick skulls. Maldives is a very exclusive and luxury tourist destination. the clientele are mostly honeymooners and families and old couples. its not the seedy streets of bankok with stilleto clad prostitutes lurking. luxury spas in high end resorts are not "massage spas"

  13. Excuse me, a resort has no right to sue and be sued on its own as it is not a legal entity as are registered companies. The issue has better be checked.

  14. Kobaa heevejje gasm. Kae ah thihury rangalhah bovifa. Adhives nukunnaathi meehun evvaahaa thaakah sarukaaraa dhekolhah.... Amilla ah bondi bovijje ennu.... Spaa thaakaa than than bandhukureema dhivehi raajeyge igthisaadhu mulhin indhajeheyne. Konmehen Kaleyaa dhekolhah kuraa kameh nuun meekee. Rayyithunge bas aduahaa sarukaarehkan dhakkaidheynan mifaharu fisaari.

  15. dear anees,

    I believe the Villa company, since it's a PLC, is undertakng the litigation measures... PLCs are recognized by law as having their own legal identity.

  16. How can so many people be such big idiots?

    Do they know what a Spa is in the first place? Just because some brothels are "identified" as massage parlours it does not mean that all massage parlours are brothels.

    Furthermore, why should a Spa in a five star resort have a brothel in the first place? Surely the men that come to these resorts can afford to bring a girl with them if they so desire, without trying to pick up a prostitute from this resort?

    I wish Maldivians would grow a brain so that they can think for themselves a bit better.

  17. today ministry sent a notice to all resorts requesting to close the spas. ofcourse reasons given are very childish and very low level. i do support any effort to expose the hypocrites who called to close down spas as their big demand on 23rd Dec, but i think this is not the best way to go GOVT.

    Spa's are not brothels and GOVT knows it very well. its wellness centers and unlike most mullah maldivians, massage is not abt a sexual act. its reflexology, healing of muscles and therapy to body and mind. to be frank Most resorts there are no Maldivians going there, precisely because i guess these highend spas are not brothels and are very professional in their business. Staffs are mostly not allowed whether they are local or foreign.

    The message here is perverse and utterly rediculous, but i understand why GOVT had to resort to such political tactics. when the people of this nation comes out in thousands to street and make such stupid demands from the Govt, what else to do... BUT THis is such a sad day for the Maldives. all resorts, hence investors will lose their trust in Maldives as a SANE place to come and invest.

  18. Me and the future wife were planning to come and stay in the Maldives for our honeymoon next year... 5 minutes on google has saved us paying thousands to stay 2 weeks with the Taliban.

    Seychelles 2012 here we come!

  19. This is great news for Seychelles and Islamic run Dubai more tourists will go to seychelles and Dubai

  20. Now its obvious that Nasheed is the biggest Mullah running a Taliban government.


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