Teacher preaches Christianity “to leave country” in lieu of vacation

A computer teacher from India working at Vaikaradhoo School in Haa Dhaalu Atoll has been sent home for allegedly preaching Christianity.

Island Councillor Ahmed Hashim said the teacher had denied Islam and promoted Christianity to her students and other teachers, explaining he had received information about the case on Thursday.

Hashim said as soon as the island office was informed the police were called and the woman taken to the police station.

”During her departure from the island she also telephoned the island chief and requested permission to preach,” Hashim said.

He claimed the teacher was attempting to leave the Maldives “by any means necessary”, and had said as much to her students. He added the woman had requested a vacation but this request had been denied.

Head of the Haa Dhaalu Atoll police station Ibrahim Manik refused to comment on the matter. Sub Inspector of police Ahmed Shiyam meanwhile confirmed that the case was reported to the police but he was unable to give details.

He said the education ministry took action against the woman.

Head of the Education Unit of the Upper North Province Ibrahim Asif confirmed the ministry has sent the teacher back to India yesterday evening ”because the police recommended we do so after their investigation.”

”We fired her and sent back to India,” Asif said, noting that she was not technically deported as she had not appeared in court.

He guaranteed that while the woman might return, she would not receive any post in the ministry.

Principal of Vaikaradhu school Mohamed Rabeeu had failed to respond Minivan News at time of press.

Spokesperson for Islamic Ministry Sheikh Ahmadulla meanwhile said the case was unrelated to the ministry.

”As a matter of fact the teacher was sponsored by education ministry and they took action,” he said, ”so why should we say anything?”


6 thoughts on “Teacher preaches Christianity “to leave country” in lieu of vacation”

  1. EVERYBODY WANTS to preach their religion. whats going on. what did she think, that we would go for the Cross? getouta here!

  2. What a way to get vacation and what a way for others to win vacation free of charge!
    Not deported!
    Can return!
    Good Education!

  3. whats wrong with minivan news, you guys report these stories in such a way that these criminals appear as victims... this is the same tone you used in your reportage of "American to be deported for alleged missionary activity"
    it seems you guys have an agenda, an agenda to destroy islam here,
    lets see if this comment appear on this so called "independent" news site

  4. First of all, I don't think Ahmadullah is a Sheikh. This is the second time Minivan reports so.

    Anyways, we are already having problems with versions of Islam. so we don't need anyone preaching about any other religion.

  5. The constitution of Maldives says that the ONLY religion that will be practiced or preached in the Maldives will be Islam. And this has been passed by the parliament with 100 percent vote, though some people and media like the minivan news feel unpalatable to accept this fact.

    We are observing whats going on around the community and the ironic policies the government is implementing. We would not tolerate to any infringement to the constitution.

  6. minivan news and mdp... FAIL!!

    i so supported mdp, and from the beginning i was always so sure that mdp had secular ideologies. but i thought it would be something that would far back in the parties real agendas and wouldn't matter at all. but it seems to be creeping its way through every now and then, quite bluntly. mdp is gonna fail in this.

    pull your act together mdp, and deal with the real issues facing the vast majority of the people first. not those handful of friends you got in your circle.


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