DhiFM disciplined over protest coverage

The Department of Information has docked five points from DhiFM’s broadcasting license for eight contract violations, following its coverage of the protest outside the president’s residence on 28 January.

Police accused DhiFM of airing live interviews with people calling for others to join the protest and overthrow the government through violence. DhiFM claimed plain clothed officers entered the station’s premises and demanded the broadcast be terminated, raising the ire of advocates for media freedom.

The content review committee at the Department of Information found that DhiFM’s coverage breached aspects of the code including failing to distinguish between fact and opinion, produce unbiased and balance coverage of controversial/political events, and promoting criminal activities as “something good or acceptable’.

Ameen Faisal, news editor at DhiFM, confirmed the committee had requested a copy of the coverage, and following receipt of a letter informing the station of the findings the board of directors had decided not to comment on the issue.

Following the protest, Independent MP and former Information Minister Mohamed Nasheed explained that while the Maldives’ broadcasting legislation contained details for disciplinary action but was intentionally designed to include hurdles to make it difficult for the government to close a station.

“Broadcast licences are issued for a year and come with 100 points for every six months, much like a driving licence,” he explained.

“[In the event of a complaint] an independent content committee appointed by the [department of information] will act like jury – if the majority agree a maximum of 10 points can be deducted for an offence, and to terminate a broadcast licence the committee must be unanimous.

“Only then can the [department of information] ask police or defence to enforce the order on behalf of the committee.”

Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Dr Ahmed Ali Sawad, under whose jurisdiction the department of information falls, said the five point deduction amounted to a “symbolic gesture”.

“That was the conclusion of the committee, we do not interfere in the process,” he said. “The contract does not stipulate provision for redress, but we are open to discussion and willing to take it back to the committee.”

Sawad said he believed that “in principle this is not something the executive should be doing. But because there is an existing contract we have to fulfil our duty.”

He said that in the future the issue of government involvement in disciplinary action against broadcasters could be avoided by the creation of an independent media council, a bill currently before the parliament.

The Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) issued a statement condemning the disciplinary action, accusing the government “putting hurdles on the freedom of expression and freedom of press that is guaranteed by the new Constitution to the citizens and press.”

“We see the government’s move to sanction DhiFM as a very low act, which goes against democratic principals and the transparent, caring government they claim to have. Cutting points like this from any media that opposes the government to the point that their license could be cancelled shows disregard for democracy the power the government can wield over media,” the MJA said, calling on international organisations to take action and “not let this government bury and squash this newborn free media.”

In his weekly radio address on Friday, President Mohamed Nasheed said most people did not accept that the media acted responsibly when disseminating or presenting information.

The president said a member of parliament complained to him during the past week when several TV and radio stations had broadcast inappropriate remarks about his parents.

“He asked me why the government isn’t taking any action or why we are not concerned,” he said. “What I have to say is that unless everyone does this responsibly, it will be difficult for us to achieve the kind of progress we want and the kind of media that we want.”

He added that he told the MP to take whatever action he could as the president too did not believe that the comments about the MPs family were appropriate.

DhiFM’s breaches of the broadcasting code, according to the Department of Information:

  • programmes should not portray or promote criminal activities as ‘something good or acceptable’
  • coverage of political stories and current affairs that could be controversial should be unbiased and balanced
  • if doubt is cast on any point of the coverage or if inaccurate information is presented, a retraction/correction must be made at the earliest possible time
  • information must not be presented in a misleading way and ‘[the broadcaster] should stay clear of presenting programmes in a way that could induce anxiety and fear without a valid reason’
  • the broadcaster must distinguish between fact and opinion in their coverage, and both should not be presented together as fact
  • sources of information for news, documentaries and other programmes must be reliable
  • should be mindful of the suffering of victims of tragic incidents and compassionate in presenting their stories
  • respect privacy and be mindful of the rights of children and adolescents

15 thoughts on “DhiFM disciplined over protest coverage”

  1. DhiFM are worse than Fox News there are so bias. Sawad was right to give them a slap. freedom of expression doesn't mean you can say whatever the hell you like. you have to act responsibly. you can't shout 'fire' in a crowded cinema and claim it is your right to freedom of expression. neither can you promote a protest and encourage people to come and overthrow the government.

  2. While I'm all for free media and free expression, I must say that freedom of media should be supplemented with journalistic ethics and responsibility.

    The live coverage of the protest by DhiFM/DhiTV was far from ethical or responsible.

    There is a difference between REPORTING a protest and 'PROMOTING' it. That's what DhiTV/FM failed to realize, unfortunately.

  3. "in principle this is not something the executive should be doing. But because there is an existing contract we have to fulfil our duty." - Sawad

    It is not a duty.. and this is not the only time a broadcaster has violated the contract but the government have avoided taking action. And avoiding taking action has never been subjected as "not fulfillin duty"

    This is weak excuse by Minister Sawad to justify taking action which was actually because of the exploding pressure from the MDP activist on Gob ministers.

  4. The government is always trying to distort the fact. Freedom of expression does not restrict to relay such a demonstration. Have any of you ppl seen CNN, BBC bringing news about protest, even the live coverage such as the protest on top of the roof of UK parliament house by some environmentalist.

    The government does not have any answers to its citizen who are deprived of their rights and finally attacking the independent media when it tries to disperse news. Anni is no different than HITLER. What did he pledged in presidentail campaign to make media independent. This is Day light robbery and Maldivians are SMART enought to fight for their rights.

  5. Who are in the 'Content Committee'? Funny that no media has so far given that information.

  6. So it is impossible for media to do anything wrong? So anything the authorities do to bring media to acceptable decency is infringing freedom of expression? Give me a break...

  7. the content committee's names were published on a paper and it is also available from Department of Information website.

  8. The fact of the matter is that this discussion is even happening because there is freedom for the media. The fact that the DhiTV even exists shows that this country is commited to freedom of Expression. Dont forget the not so distant past when none of you would have dared express your opinions so openly. Where were all these raised "brave" voices when there really was no freedom of expression.

  9. DhiFM & DhiTV need not know the difference between REPORTING a protest or‘PROMOTING’ a protest! These are unofficial policy promoting channels built for Gayyoom! So! What can you expect?

  10. @cute cuddle.


    I'm aware who are in this committee and the fact that the information is on the website.

    The decision to cut points is made by the content committee and since this is the first time, I feel the names of those in the committee should be included in the news.

    The point is that media in Maldives is so politicized and often violates the ethics and the basic standards of reporting that its news articles come out so unprofessional and biased.

    And its so sad when we all want a vibrant democracy established.

  11. @yaamyn, that's your perception. it is disappointing that you of all people should demand action to be taken against a free media. why not demand the govt to first declare that DhiTV is not a media organisation but a terrorist cell before making such accusations?

    @shaya, haveeru published the content committee list. the information department made such a fuss before disclosing the members though the public have a right to know. Surprisingly there was the women human rights activist Velezine who also has a journalism background. whether its maldivian men or women, they are all hypocrites promoting their own agenda. shame on Velezine for choosing to be on that "review" committee in the first place. "review" or whatever words you choose, you can't change facts.

    so-called liberals you all are! what a joke.

  12. Few thoughts,
    * programmes should not portray or promote criminal activities as ’something good or acceptable’.
    Hmmm, should ask the self-styled 'liberals' in maldives whether they consider salafi/wahhabi/conservative religious sermons as promoting criminal activity.

    * coverage of political stories and current affairs that could be controversial should be unbiased and balanced.
    Politics is always controversial and biased. Liberal vs conservative, anarchy vs tyranny, Left vs Right. If something is unbiased and sound (such as the sciences), then it is far away from politics.

    * if doubt is cast on any point of the coverage or if inaccurate information is presented, a retraction/correction must be made at the earliest possible time--
    Are the politicians who sprout bullshit on TV come under this? If so it would be good i guess.

    * information must not be presented in a misleading way and ‘[the broadcaster] should stay clear of presenting programmes in a way that could induce anxiety and fear without a valid reason’.
    Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. Isnt that the name of the political game? How are journalist to be insulated from such?

    * the broadcaster must distinguish between fact and opinion in their coverage, and both should not be presented together as fact.
    What are facts when it comes to policy? Is it a fact that say for example, maldives economy is better under MDP than was under Gayyoom. Or is it opinion? If its a fact, why don't everyone agree?

    * sources of information for news, documentaries and other programmes must be reliable.
    Does DRP backed media consider what MDP says as reliable source? Or vice versa? Who decides what is reliable?

  13. Has Gayoomism written all over it. When dhifm choose to give live coverage to opposition gathering at the gates of presidential palace where was the content committee and promotion of violence or hatred? At that gathering opposition members did shake the gates of an elected dictators official residence and called for him to be removed from power.peter parkers aunt said " with great power come greater responsibility " practice what you preach....

  14. this is a good start. yet again media has fallen apart saying their right to express freely have been violated. everyone must understand that the PROMOTING a demonstration againts a democratically elected government and REPORTING a Demonstration is really different. does any one know that??? Dhitv/fm did had an agreement and they violated 8 clauses of that agreement. and also if Dhitv/Fm wants HITZ time or to increase viewers then please start with having a better studio set up, good programmes and the presenters. becuse your TV channel is too dull and looks like am attending a funeral or something. DhiTV/Fm is worse than FOX news. they even tell what they are doing. but DhiTV/FM claims to be independent and totally dependent on opposition party to ensure their financial security

  15. If Dhifm has breached the conduct, points has to be deducted or even terminated. But what i saw, government has intervened to disrupt its live broadcast. As we know Maldives media is regulated by independent committee.


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