More than MVR 100,000 raised for baby born with facial scar

Parents of a baby girl born with a large black birthmark across her face have received more than MVR 100,000 (US$6,485) in donations from the public following an appeal on social media to raise funds for plastic surgery.

The father of the girl told newspaper Haveeru today that the generous response from the public has exceeded the family’s expectations.

“Doctors advised me to go for a plastic surgery,” wrote Ahmed Shareef on Facebook last week, posting a picture of his newborn.

“But plastic surgery is not available here in Maldives. And it costs a huge amount. Please help me in anyway you can if it is possible. Even I will appreciate your good prayers too.”

Speaking to Minivan News on Sunday, Shareef said he had been in touch with doctors from abroad who had given a preliminary diagnosis of Congenital Nevomelanocytic Nevus (CNN).

A nevus – the medical term for a birthmark – larger than 20 centimetres in diameter only occurs once in every half a million newborns. This is the first such case reported in Maldives, which has a population of around 350,000 people.

The scar went undetected during ultra sound scans throughout the pregnancy, Shareef explained.

For more information on this story contact Ahmed Shareef on Facebook or make donations to bank account number 101 230672 7723 at the Bank of Maldives.


2 thoughts on “More than MVR 100,000 raised for baby born with facial scar”

  1. Removing this nevus is like plucking eyebrows or filing teeth - Allah created her like this for a reason. Changing Holy Allah's creation is a sign of ingratitude and disrespect. So what if she'll suffer from psychological trauma? Transgender people suffer from psychological trauma too, but the thought of Dhivehistanis donating for gender reassignment surgery is laughable. Patience and faith is the answer. Allah will provide Gardens and rivers and fruits if she passes this test.

    Now some "alternative" Muslims who follow "liberal" Islam might allow surgery. They think Allah creates defects. That Allah's creation is not perfect. That it is flawed. Subhanallah. Such people should repent before they die and are thrown into the Fires of Hell where their burnt skins will be cosmetically replaced by new ones, so that they'll suffer endlessly. Isn't Islam awesome?

  2. You get more militant by the day Homosexual. This metamorphosis has been great to watch.

    Thanks for the entertainment.


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