Seven islanders to be charged for assault of Indian teacher on Kumundhoo

Police have sent the names of seven islanders of Kumundhoo Island in Haa Dhaalu Atoll to the Prosecutor General’s Office (PG) requesting they be charged in connection with the assault of an Indian teacher.

Police identified the seven persons charged as Hassan Riyaz, 27, of Male’,  and Hassan Rasheed, 35, Abdulla Hassan, 41, Husain Naseer, 36, Husam Ibrahim, 22, Junaidh Ibrahim, 18, Hajara Ali, 35, all from the island of Kumundhoo.

Police alleged that on May 14 the group entered the island school of Kumundhoo and assaulted the teacher while he was inside a classroom teaching.

According to police the investigation into the case was concluded and sent to the Prosecutor General for prosecution on June 17.

On May 15 Minivan News reported that an Indian physics teacher was hospitalised after a group of angry islanders confronted him and beat him up after accusing him of hitting a student in the chest.

“The expat teacher hit a 13 year-old student in the chest and the child fell and couldn’t breathe and was taken to the health centre,” Island Councilor Ali Anwar told Minivan News at the time.

“The islanders became angry at the teacher and gathered outside the school. The security guard and school staff were unable to control them.”

He said the islanders destroyed a power distribution unit outside the school cutting off its electricity, and then attacked the expat teacher.


3 thoughts on “Seven islanders to be charged for assault of Indian teacher on Kumundhoo”

  1. This report is just for media consumption and I doubt if any punishment will be given to the savages of Kumundhoo. India should send a gunboat to this godforsaken dump, arrest all those who took part in the attack on the school teacher and take them to India to face trial.
    I hope this story is given wide publicity in the Indian press and Indian professionals will think twice before accepting crap low paid jobs in the drug infested atolls of Maldives.
    It ain't worth the hassle brothers.....AVOID AVOID AVOID THE MALDIVES.
    You guys should really be getting your teachers from Terroristan because you have so much in common with your sunni brothers:
    Same hate filled religious beliefs
    Same intolerance towards anybody who is not a sunni muslim, including 'lesser' muslims like shias
    Same chaotic and unstable political system
    Same violent crime infested societies
    Same pattern of addiction to hard drugs
    Same dumb belief that you are the descendants of arabs.....shhhhhhh just don't tell that to the arabs

  2. Infidels cannot touch Muslim Dhivehistani children. There's no telling where there hands have been. Besides even the cleanest infidel is still najis (impure). Beating is allowed when children dont pray or don't recite the Koran - and that also by the parents or mullahs. Mullahs can touch children in other ways too. One can read in the news that a lot of such touching goes on in Islamic madrassas.

    As for other corporal punishment, flogging of adults, stoning them, mutilating children's genitalia, beating wives etc is allowed in Dhivehistan so no need to elaborate on that.


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