Ministers who applauded criticism of government should resign immediately: Reeko Moosa

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) parliamentary group leader Moosa ‘ReeKo’ Manik called on any ministers who applauded when the government was criticised to resign immediately.

His condemnation was likely meant for those ministers present at the GIP rally led by Vice President DR Mohamed Waheed Hassan on Saturday.

Moosa said that cabinet ministers had a responsibility to assist President Mohamed Nasheed’s work.

“If they think their responsibility is to applaud whenever someone criticises the government they should resign immediately,” Moosa said.

He said that government’s senior posts “should be filled only with people who support the MDP manifesto and accept the President’s thinking.”

”When someone starts criticising the government, even if it is the Vice President, it is a must for MDP to criticise him,” Moosa claimed.

”Everyday early morning we drape the national flag on our body and are ready to make essential laws for the country,” he claimed.

Press secretary for the President, Mohamed Zuhair said that President Nasheed would respect the words of MDP and Reeko Moosa.

”If the national congress of MDP says that it is their decision [to dismiss any cabinet minister], President Nasheed would have to do it,” Zuhair said.

He said that the Vice President’s acts were politically motivated.

”His aim is to promote himself and his party outside of the government,” Zuhair said. ”The new regulations says that any political party which does not have a minimum 3000 members will be disbanded.”

Zuhair said the Vice President’s party contains nearly 3000 members and that the VP was intending to increase the number of members by gaining support.


24 thoughts on “Ministers who applauded criticism of government should resign immediately: Reeko Moosa”

  1. Yes I totally agree with Moosa! When the President, Vice President and his cabinet starts talking against the government publicly, that is crossing the line. Why should the people who should defend the government criticize it in public like the opposition? We have lots of oppositions parties. We hear criticism of the government. So there is no need to attack the gov from within! This is not how civilized democracies function. If you dont like the gov, resign and then work as an opposition. You can have the cake and also eat it!

  2. So Maumoon was democratic too, he fired thos who are critical to him, and appointed those who praise and act like his poodle. I see no difference.

  3. When the President, Vice and the cabinet starts criticizing the government, its abnormal. I agree with Moosa. We have a opposition to do this job. Thats not for the government officials.

  4. @Kanba-aisha: No Maumoon did not fire those who are critical to him. He harassed, imprisoned, tortured and then made sure their families were traumatised and robbed of any bright future for those who criticised him. You see the difference now?

  5. HassanK, Oh yea I can now see the difference, I was so wrong, in this regime, you dont traumatise, rob and tourture, but you threaten, and make them switch party and they even make the devils, angels when they switch party and join MDP. LOLLY and Diana, Ahmed Abdulla (Adubarey) etc..etc..see these, people are now angels...Now tell me, Innocent until proven guilty.

  6. Wow!!! Reeko Moosa this is really falling back to "Dictator" Era. You very much sounded like a tru Dictator. Even today not just VP or Minister anyone who makes a comment against MDP is indirectly harmed by some mean. So I wouldnt be surprised if Reeko Moosa will come out and say any Maldivian who renounce MDP will have to renounce Maldivian citizenship. And so press secretary will say Thats what president also intends to follow.
    What a Joke...
    IMF ADB or othe financial institues may pump money as loans they are happy to do it but I wonder what the investors are thinkingg about our nation. I am sure they watching everything that is going on here.

  7. HassanK we brought change for good and we didnt want Maumoons administration. So there is no need for comparision present and the past. What we need is a better life for us than it was before not something similar or worse. It appears we will have a worse dictator than Maumoon and this time its not going to be one but a bunch of them.

  8. This is becoming a joke now. I wonder how long the people would tolerate this. I call for the government to fire morons like Reeko and be more serious in running the government.

  9. There you go, MDP has openly showed its true colours. They want to rule Maldives just like the way Maumoon did. As a dictator. What wrong in Vice President criticising the government. He didnt say anything wrong. All what he said was in the best interest of the future of Maldives and its democracy. Has Kanjar Reeko Moosa forgotten that they came to power as a coalition government, not as a sole MDP government. So there will be criticism against the president and he has to take it and face it with positive attitude. What does Reeko know of democracy by the way. All his life he has been acting, running after boobs of women infront of the camera. Mr Moosa, stay out of policitcs and leave this country to be run by intelligent educated people like the vice president please. You better concentrate on your acting job...

  10. somebody should teach reeko moosa that he should learn from people like " colnel nasheed", in TVM mqdad QnA show colnel showed how a leader should be a great example of a MP, moosa i tell you this .. your yelling is not going to work and it's damaging the government really, and the people, ask yourself how much support you have in kuda henveryru, in your campaign you said so many things and you did nothing and your hiding from you own people, where will you go next time to be elected as a MP, i bet that if your charactor is like a madog, you will be lost with in this 3 years reeko moosa, colnel nasheed taked simply the opposite of reeko moosa and it was calm and soothing .. he even asked all the coalition leaders to come back to start the work again with a new spirit .. with people reeko moosa "who has been yelling his entire life i don't know where the party will end"

  11. critisizing one's own government on media while you hold a senior post is unethical as revieling your owns wife's secrets on media when ever they disagree .. so these people like VP should be more mature than this , if he wants to do so please resign and do so .. or else please shutup

  12. Radhun be realistic, calling president Nasheed a worst dictator than Maumoon?
    This is the kind of talk that makes DRP look like a bunch of kids.
    Reeko Moosa tone it down will you.

  13. Moosa manik, go and rot in hell, you are destroying our party. We dont wnt you, go and join the opposition. PLEASE, I think they need you more than MDP. We sacrificed ourselves for this party and few nut heads like this come and destroy, will not sit and watch that. If you dont leave us, we will take you out.

  14. You cannot create fear in Maldives politics - We are not part of your moonshine. Go back to FATHIS HANDHUVARU!

    You don't have the essence to be a politician - your election to Hulhuhenveiru seat is because people wanted to see you on TV ; on a dumper running after a girl!


    That, my dear we don't call politicians, but nuisance creators!

  15. Shut op bloody riko. What is your MDP doing? There are no paediatric doctors in the only secondary care hospital of the entire Maldives - the IGMH and all you care about it MDPs power and its governance. Since you came to power ordinary lives have gone from misery from qayooms era to disaster from nasheeds regime. You guys all made false promises and you are all liars. I hopw the opposition do a non confidence motion against Nasheed very soon and throw him out of presidency. Then where will you go begging?

  16. Does any one know that owner of Coco palm island resort carries a Maldives Diplomatic Passport since Anni became the president. As far as I know, he is a strong friend of MDP activist Zaki and hence Anni has given him this passport. He uses this passport to travel around freely and easily around the world regarding his tourism business. He is not doing any diplomatic service to the country and hence I dont know he shoudl be given a diplomatic passport by Anni. This is how MDP is using the Maldives presidency and its powers. All for their own benefits. I wonder how many cases like this will exist. Anni is I guess no different from Maumoon then. Does Riko wants us to keep our mouth shut when they are misusing their power like this?

  17. Dump truck driver cum soap-story actors can do no better than what this Hon. MP is calling for. Pity that such peolpe try to make fun of the highest legistlative body of this state. What else can such a one do other than create a ruckus, just like a dumper. Pity the so called enlightened MDP politicians of the finest calibre to display such ignorance. What what the "Chair's" comment would be like?

  18. Who is Moosa. In simple words he is an empty bottle!! An uneducated activist vocal. Wonder if he know how to solve a simple maths equation. What a pity!! After all he is the leader of MDP parliamentarian group.

  19. The minimum requirement to get a government job as clerk is also to have 2 O Level passes. I wonder why there is no requirement to enter the parliament as MP without any level of education. Otherwise how can these morons make any sensible law in the parliament. I think its high time some one bring a bill to parliament to have a minimum education level to become a MP. Then we will see, where people like Moosa will be.

  20. I fully agree with you. Parliament would be better off without uneducated hooligans such as Moosa

  21. If Anni came out and criticized his own government, would he have to resign too?

  22. Whaheed should sack Anni for being incompetent and then usurp the presidency!

  23. hmm so speaking your mind is bad. free speech is bad. the thing with us maldivians is that we cannot stomach criticism; same thing is maumoon's regime, same thing in nasheed's regime.

    and mr reeko moosa manik please do not talk about ethics. you of all the people. aadhai ge bahun bunaneenama ethics ah kurafi naaruvaa pls!


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