“We in the EU should apply maximum pressure to reverse this judicial coup,” says European MP

Charles Tannock, Conservative Member of the European Parliament (MEP) has told a plenary session of the EU parliament in Strasbourg that organisation should apply “maximum pressure”  to reverse what he described as a “judicial coup” in the Maldives.

“The people of the Maldives deserve better than this: they must have their voices heard, and their decisions respected. The constitutional crisis in Male which looms if a new President is not elected before the current President’s mandate expires could spell disaster for this small but dignified nation,” Tannock told the 766 member legislature.

The MEP went on to call for politicians to put the interests of their country ahead of their own careers and “a small band of disfavoured elites allied to ex-President Gayoom and Islamist parties, who determine the country’s future.”

“I believe the Maldives could face a very strong and unwelcome response from the international community if these failings are not mended, he told journalists following the session.

“I am sure that no regime there would find it comfortable if governments began advising their citizens not to visit as tourists because of the dire state of human rights including particularly women’s rights and the lack of basic democratic freedoms.”

EU High Representative Catherine Ashton said she was “deeply concerned” following the most recent delay in the Maldives presidential elections.

“The EU reiterates its confidence in the impartiality and efficiency of the Maldivian Election Commission. It recalls that elections cannot successfully be held if the process can be repeatedly brought to a halt through legal injunctions,” she said in a statement.


3 thoughts on ““We in the EU should apply maximum pressure to reverse this judicial coup,” says European MP”

  1. Maldives gone under feet of 4 Supreme Court judges it unsafe in Maldives the follows only Supreme Court orders.

    The watching us must take a quick step for the coup bring us to a Interdependence nation.

  2. The international community should take a strong step on Maldives judicial coup system. The supreme dictatorial Party of Maldives. A new political party bone under Dictator Maumon Abdul Gayoom. There is no mandate; no Basic human rights any rules and regulation.

  3. The EU MEP here is being naive and his suggestions that governments should advise travellers not to visit because of human rights issues is stupid. No country or their High Commissions would issue such advice.

    Mr. Tannock obviously is not a seasoned traveller nor does he seem to have any experience in Foreign Affairs other than in Brussels.

    The average tourist I am afraid is a rather self absorbed individual. They have only 2 things on their minds.
    1. Is the weather going to be ok?
    2. Will My holiday be safe?

    Safe implies personal security and also safe from inconvenience from industrial action.

    Unless item 2 becomes an issue, no government no travel advisories will be issued by ANY country. Remember, its not just the Maldives that will suffer but also Tour companies and airlines that will have to refund and the knock on effect in lay offs can occur here in the west also.

    The people of the Maldives must remember that once the tourists have gone they very rarely come back.

    Already the numbers of tourists from the UK are down 6.4% from this time last year. That is a big drop.

    The Maldivian People should not hope for any constructive help from the International community.

    Instead, I would concentrate on improving relations with India before the Chinese take over completely.


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