Tourism ministry marks new year with celebration of one million tourist arrivals

A new year countdown event titled “One Million and Beyond” organised by the Ministry of Tourism was held last night at Malé’s Alimas Carnival area. The celebrations, with fireworks and musical performances, was to mark the arrival of 1.2 million tourists in the year 2013.

The one million mark was reached in November with the arrival of 94,562 tourists in that month alone, a nearly fifteen percent increase from 2012.

Among the tourists who visited Maldives in that month were 45,894 from European countries and 26,008 from China – a leap from just 18,450 Chinese tourists in November 2012.

Eighty one percent of the total bed capacity of 22,889 in 2012 was situated on the 105 islands developed as tourist resorts. The hotel sector share was at six percent that year.
