Letter on recalling elected MPs

Dear Editor,

Should we have the right to recall Majlis Members? It can be done in other democracies, why not in the Maldives?

I believe it is time we change the electoral law to force MPs to seek votes of confidence through a constituency recall mechanism if they have been found guilty of unacceptable behaviour.

In the light of current political chaos and other ongoing outrages committed by Majlis Members, we should demand the right for voters to be given the power to sack MPs.

Please demand ”right to recall” legislation by signing a petition:

Solah Rasheed


8 thoughts on “Letter on recalling elected MPs”

  1. list of MP's to be sacked

    1.Reeko moosa..too barbarious n too bias on mdp
    2.Reeko moosa...no dicipline
    3.Reeko moosa...not open minded
    4.Alhan fahmy..on sale

  2. the list should include:
    kutti nasheed ...mismanagement of funds (even personal funds, is he on drugs to be broke like that? Quote "i need some cash")
    yameen...lack of discipline
    gasim...alleged fraud as the finance minister (what did he do, you ask? the MTDC dividend scandal last year)
    reeko moosa...well some of what ?????? said
    the list goes on...i agree with the recall

  3. What about Ali Waheed? I think this man is a disgrace to the Majlis.

  4. Would it make a difference, recalling? I assumed everyone knew that Yamin bought votes way back, and the whole world knows Gasim bought a lot of people. The fact is, those who voted for Yamin or Gasim knew all that about them but voted for them anyway, as, not many care about what sort of leader a leader will be, they are moved by whats in it for them and they are bought or intimidated into voting a particular person through some sort of favour perhaps, or maybe a quick dollar... Sadly, some thought democracy and the rule of law, and the developed institutions would bring some justice. Justice does not come from institutions, it comes from people's hearts. Introduce a rule stating voters can recall MP's and then what? The point is, the problem is bigger than the institutional deprivation. Besides, those who support democracy have a fantastic idea that it brings justice and democracy because of western propaganda, but the western world has just as many problems with oppression, drug addiction, mental illness... Liberty equals lack of belonging and depression for those who are not rich and powerful. This creates, in many, a gangster mentality.

  5. Why should there be a right to recall when we chose what we got, knowing well what we are getting? 90% of the constituencies has better, more educated candidates, but voters chose otherwise. We have to be responsible for our vote, and today we are suffering for what we did, and even as a citizen, there has to be consequences. We are what we are, and we will sell out vote to recall also 🙂


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