President appears on live radio call-in show

President Mohmaed Nasheed took questions from the public on DhiFM’s one-to-one programme on Friday, the first ever live call-in radio show featuring a sitting president.

The president addressed a number of issues and answered questions on subjects ranging from the government’s pledges, the electricity tariff hike and media subsidies.

Hundreds of questions in the days before the show via email and text messages.

On his New Year resolution, the president said, “My determination and goal is finding ways to fulfil the government’s key electoral pledges.”

Some political parties wanted to overthrow the government, he said, but it could only be done within the bounds of the law.

On media subsidies, the president said he did not favour adding to recurrent expenditure and praised private broadcasters for their efficient operations with a small number of staff.

Asked about the government’s pledge to provide affordable housing, he said an agreement had been reached with India’s Tata Company but the project was delayed due to a dispute over the 11 per cent interest proposed by the company.

The government wanted to ensure that citizens would not have to pay more than Rf3,500 a month for the housing units, he said.

He added the government hoped to sign contracts with five companies this month to construct 4,000 housing units.

The president said he regrets that electricity tariffs had to be increased after he pledged not to do so during the campaign.

Apologising to citizens, Nasheed said the hike was temporary and referred to targeted subsidies introduced for poor income families.

On the campaign pledge to hold a mid-term presidential election, the president said the thinking behind it was to assess the political landscape in the country after emerging from a dictatorship where free and fair elections could not be guaranteed.

But, he added, the first opportunity to take stock of the support for political parties came during last year’s parliamentary elections.

“All political parties contested. Those who advocated for a mid-term election won only two seats. And of all those two seats, it is questionable to what extent they belong to the party,” he said.

Following the first round of the October 2008 presidential election, all opposition parties united around the Maldivian Democratic Party candidate and formed a coalition to end the 30-year rule of President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

Of the coalition partners, Dr Hassan Saeed, former presidential candidate and attorney general, now of the Dhivehi Qaumee Party, pushed the most for a mid-term election.

Nasheed said the parliamentary elections last year six months after the presidential election showed that support for the ruling MDP had not diminished.

In the May parliamentary elections, MDP won 51,184 votes while the main opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party won 40,886 votes.

In his radio address on the same day, the president highlighted progress made on fulfilling the government’s five main pledges.

Transport networks had been established in some provinces, he said, while contracts will be signed for the remaining provinces.

He added the government was confident of completing a project for 1,000 housing units within this year.

The amount of drugs seized during the past year exceeded the previous three to four years, he said.

Moreover, two detoxification centres were established under the government’s policy of focusing on treatment and rehabilitation.

Providing universal health insurance under the Madhana programme will eliminate the practice of “begging for healthcare”.

It was essential to reduce the budget deficit to curb inflation, he continued, and the government had to reduce recurrent expenditure to bring down the deficit.


Clemency bill passed

Parliament passed legislation on clemency and commuting sentences during its last sitting of the year on Thursday before breaking for a two-month recess.

The bill proposed by the government to set guidelines for the president to grant pardons and commute sentences was passed with 59 votes in favour and two against.

Presenting the committee report, Kulhudhufushi South MP Mohamed Nasheed, chairman of the home affairs committee, said views expressed by MPs during the debate were incorporated in the final draft.

Among the changes made by the committee include adding a provision for aiding interpretation in determining if convicts have exhausted the appeal process, specifying crimes that will not be eligible for pardon and creating a clemency board chaired by the attorney general to advise the president.

The committee further added provisions to authorise the president to commute death sentences to life imprisonment as well as detailing criteria on granting pardons, said Nasheed.

Moreover, criminal records of those convicted under the old constitution would be wiped clean if they were pardoned.

Article 115 of the constitution states the president has the authority “to grant pardons or reductions of sentence as provided by law, to persons convicted of a criminal offence who have no further right of appeal.”

Under the legislation, convicts who did not get a fair trial and those who have exhausted the appeal process will be eligible for release.

Of the 11 amendments proposed to the bill, only four were passed.

In the debate after voting on amendments, MPs stressed the importance of the legislation to grant pardons for people in jail who were wrongfully convicted or sentenced solely on the basis of extracted confessions.

But, several MPs said the president should exercise caution and good judgment in commuting sentences and granting pardons.

In its 82 sittings since being convened in May, parliament has passed eight bills and adopted five resolutions, while 19 bills remain pending at the committee stage.


Fire on MNDF launch

An MNDF vessel caught on fire on Thursday, injuring some of the officers on board.

The incident occurred on the morning of 31 December, at 8.45am, while launch number 58 was moored in the harbour behind Kalhuthukalaa Koshi.

Lance Corporal Abdhul Rahman, of the electric and mechanical engineers, who was working on the vessel sustained burns to his arm and leg.

MNDF reports that the fire was caused when the battery short circuited and ignited the petrol tank.


Two men arrested for sexual assualt

Two men have been arrested in Gaaf Alif Vilingili, for sexual assualt of a  30-year-old woman.

According to police, the incident occurred on the night of 31 December 2009.

Police suspect that the two men had broken into her room through a window while she was asleep. They forced her down and attempted to assault her.

The two men arrested in connection with the case were aged 31 and 19.

The serious organised crime unit and Vilingili police are in charge of the case.


From “Anni” to “H.E.P”

“You know, they said this day would never come. They said our sights were set too high. They said that this country was too divided; too disillusioned to ever come together around a common purpose.”

So spoke Barack Obama on the night that he won the Iowa caucuses. It was the night that he proved he could win the presidency by claiming victory in a largely white state.

These are words that could have easily been spoken by Mohamed Nasheed (Anni) when he won last year’s presidential election.

People try to put us down

When Anni and other reformists first launched the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) many did not believe that it had a chance of succeeding. After all, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s government was all-powerful and exercised a huge degree of control over society.

Anni himself was seen as a figure who did not “look” like a president and thus would be unable to mobilize support in a country which was still deemed too conservative. This partly explains why MDP opted to go for a dual leadership structure, with a party president and a chairman. Ibrahim Ismail and Mohamed Munavvar both served as party president but did not manage to make much headway.

Anni and MDP were seen as too divisive. This led to all opposition forces trying to unite behind one candidate, with both Hassan Saeed and Gasim Ibrahim vying for that spot. Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, speaking on behalf of Saeed tried to convince Anni to stand aside by asking whether Maldivians were more likely to vote for “foreigners” like the two of them, or for a “mullah” like Saeed.

Despite all this, against the odds, Anni managed to cobble together a victory in the presidential election. Many people familiar with the political spectrum would not have believed that it was possible. The election was, in many ways, a fairy tale. Or, as GQ magazine described it, a “momentous victory of belief against chaos.”

Talking ‘bout my generation

Since assuming power President Nasheed has further confounded critics by fitting into the role in a refreshing way. He has scaled back on the pomp and ceremony that Gayoom enjoyed. He fits in comfortably with the new, younger generation.

People now accept that the presidency is defined more by the strength of the occupant’s character than by gaudy displays of wealth and power. Nasheed walks to work everyday and is in the habit of making appearances at places like Al Fresco and the local market. “It’s better for the environment and I can stop and chat to people on the way,” explained Nasheed.

By all accounts, Nasheed takes a very business-like approach to government and gets deeply involved in policy issues. This has come as a bit of a surprise to opponents who subscribed to the school of thought that activism and intelligence could not coexist in one person.

The president’s hands-on approach was evident this Friday on DhiFM’s “One to One” show. It was the first time that a sitting president took questions from the public in a live radio show. Nasheed displayed a firm grasp of the issues as he engaged in a lively discussion with the programme’s host and those that phoned in.

Nasheed has managed to balance competing interests, keep the government in one piece, deliver on a few manifesto pledges; and all this while averting an economic collapse despite the empty treasury he inherited.

“It is one of life’s ironies that it falls upon this government led by a party, as has been criticized, accused of being activists with little experience of governing, to put the house back in order,” the president declared to a meeting of donors.

With twenty percent of his term up, the accusation that Nasheed is somehow not “qualified” no longer holds up. That his bachelor’s degree in maritime studies is the least mentioned line in his biography is unsurprising. After all, it seems to have had the least effect on his political career. Solitary confinement, exile, journalism, the study of Maldivian history, and the experience of starting a movement and managing a political party are what really inform his decisions.

Domestic bliss

And what has been achieved in one year? Better governance: corruption has been curbed and there is greater transparency. The influence of gangs, which are believed to have been in an unholy alliance with the former regime, has diminished.

An independent Anti-Corruption Commission and empowered customs and police services have seen the rule of law strengthened. The fact that more drugs have been seized during the last year than in the preceding five is testament to the work of these institutions.

The country is also closer to seeing real social justice. The old welfare system which was controlled by the presidential palace and saw much of the benefits go to family and cronies has been abolished. A new social protection programme provides a pension of Rf2,000 to all those over 65 years of age.

In what is a significant step for the government’s affordable healthcare pledge, about half the adult population of the country has been signed up for the Madhana insurance scheme. While utility tariffs are being raised in order to help plug the deficit, targeted subsidies are ensuring that the poor do not slip through the net.

Steps have also been taken to foster a climate for economic development. A responsible economic framework has been established with the assistance of the IMF. This involved tough political decisions which the former regime avoided taking. Rather than financing development projects through the budget, they are to be implemented through public-private partnerships (PPPs).

An early success story can already be seen. Transport networks, one of the MDP’s key pledges, have been established in two provinces and have brought markets and services closer to the local communities.

International affairs

President Nasheed’s star has really shone on the international stage. Seeing their foe being elevated to the role of global statesman has been a particular source of ire for his critics.

Since taking office, Nasheed has forged close links with democratic India, spent a night at Windsor Castle with Queen Elizabeth II, gave an impassioned plea for action against climate change at the United Nations General Assembly, addressed the Annual Conference of the British Conservative Party, grabbed the world’s headlines with an underwater cabinet meeting, scooped up the Anna Lindh Memorial Prize for Human Rights and Climate Change, been named Time magazine’s leading Hero of the Environment, and negotiated a $92 million dollar fiscal adjustment programme from the IMF.

Yet, all this pales in comparison to the Maldives’ role at the COP15 summit held in Copenhagen. With the talks on the brink of collapse, Nasheed and the Maldives delegation acted as a bridge between the developing and developed countries as they sought to come up with a compromise that would allow the process to carry on at the next COP summit to be held in Cancun, Mexico.

The leaders of the industrialized nations recognized that the support of the Maldives was essential if such an agreement was to be brokered and decided to invite Nasheed to the small group of 28 countries known as the “circle of commitment”.

What transpired in that room has since been leaked in The Guardian; that it was China and it’s proxies in the G77- led by its chief negotiator Lumumba Stanislaus-Kaw Di-Aping of Sudan (incidentally, one of the most brutal countries on earth) that wrecked the chances for a stronger agreement is now well known.

So what benefits have the president’s performance at COP15 brought to the Maldives? For a start, cash for adaptation measures: $30 billion in short term aid from the developed countries spread out over the next three years. It gets better in the long term with a commitment to raise the figure to $100 billion by 2020. The Maldives will get a large share as it is a vulnerable, small island state.

However, the diplomatic achievement is much more valuable. Nasheed has now guaranteed his place as one of the key global figures on climate change with access to all the world leaders that matter. His voice will be an important one in the fight against climate change in the months and years to come.

Great Expectations

This assessment began with a parallel to the 44th American president, and it ends on a similar note. In many ways, the situation this country’s 4th president finds himself in is not much different: universally adored abroad, met with a sceptical and divided country at home.

Both face bitter political enemies who question their legitimacy and are bent on disrupting their agendas. They face demanding coalition partners with whom they are forced to compromise with. And to top it off, the weight of expectation from the people who voted for them has been immense.

This balancing act is not a situation either of them would have wished for; but their actions show that it is a reality that they are comfortable with.

Playing with the hand you are dealt whilst not losing sight of the long-term objective is what this is all about. And it is in this sense that Anni and His Excellency the President have proved to be not so different after all.


Seagull Café House gets a makeover

The news buzzed around town, Seagull café house had reopened after a makeover. One of the staples of the capital life, it had a well-deserved reputation for serving the best homemade Italian ice cream in town; combined with its outdoor café area it was one of the most popular spots in Male’.

Our interest piqued, we head over to the cafe. The newly built upper deck area is visible from the road. Walking in through the spacious ground level, we see as ever the ice cream counter takes pride of place near the door. In a city where trees are felled left and right for urban development, the owners had taken pains to accommodate the old Jambolan tree, building the roof in a way that its branches could jut out of it. The date trees are adorned with orchid flowers, and orchids placed on the tables complete the look.

It is early in the night yet the place is alive and buzzing. Our group of four settles for a table upstairs that overlooks the road.

The place has the feel of a café in a resort, the décor is rustic with dim lights, further enhanced by the liberal use of wood. Eagan Badeeu’s triptych paintings of island life hang on the walls, adding to the visual appeal of the café.

A delicious Affogato
A delicious Affogato

The crowd is diverse, young women chatting away, couples grabbing a quick cuppa and families with children eating downstairs, letting the kids run around in the open area.

Two menus are handed to us, a regular one and another for ice creams.

The drinks list is extensive: milkshakes, smoothies, still and sparkling water offer ample choice to those who like variety. Hazelnut milkshake (Rf 48), tropical smoothie (Rf 50) and an affogato (Rf 90) is served while we ponder on what to have for dinner.

Hazelnut milkshake is smooth and creamy with a subtle nutty flavour, while the affogato was a strong shot of espresso topped with ice-cream – a surefire winner with coffee lovers for its vibrant and deep flavor. The tropical paradise smoothie makes one recall hot sunny days by the beachside, local flavours blended with milk and yoghurt and finely crushed ice.

The cafe has a bit of something for everyone. An assortment of paninis, sandwiches, burgers, Asian cuisine, share the space with top quality Australian beef and a selection of local fish.

Mustard Chicken with french fries
Mustard Chicken with french fries

The last page is a kids menu, a rarity in Male’.

We decide on mustard chicken with French fries and veggies (Rf 95), grilled salmon with rice noodles and bokchoy (Rf 190) and lastly Thai spicy cuttlefish salad( Rf 50).

The food arrives fast.

The chicken breast is grilled with subtle mustard seasoning, creating a culinary harmony though it is cooked just a tad too long. A contrasting sauce would have completed the dish to perfection, as chicken breasts tend to become dry easily.

The large and chunky French fries and vegetables that arrive next portray the essence of the chef’s rustic style of cooking.

One of the gems of Asian cuisine, Thai cuttlefish salad is the next to go under our knife.

Thai cuisine is famous for its aromatic flavours and subtle aromas, which awaken the senses with the balancing act of sugar and red hot Thai chillis – the yin and yang of Thai food.

Thai spicy cuttlefish salad
Thai spicy cuttlefish salad

The salad was a letdown. It lacked the limy chilli flavor and the fresh tangy kick.

The salmon is served pipping hot and cooked medium rare. It’s cooked to perfection and is easily the best salmon we had tasted in Male’. The salmons’ bright pink center when combined with freshly squeezed lime juice is heavenly. The accompanying rice noodles, bound with sweet chilli sauce and tiny shreds of bokchoy, is a bit bland. This promising dish lacked a bit of punch, and better presentation would have done justice to the salmon.

The highlight of the dining experience was a taste of the creamiest, most flavoursome chocolate ice cream found in Male’. Seagull Café House still has what it takes to retain the crown for making the best Italian ice cream in town.

Seagull Café  House

  • Food 6/10
  • Atmosphere 7/10
  • Service 6/10
  • Price 6/10
  • Overall 6/10

Seagull Café  House is located at Fareedhee Magu. It’s open from 9am to 12am except on Fridays, when it is open from 4pm to 12am.

Naby Mariyam is a Le Cordon Bleu chef graduate, and works as a cookery trainer in Sydney, Australia.


Diesel prices increased by 50 laari

The State Trading Organisation (STO), the main supplier of petroleum and gas in the Maldives, has increased the price of a diesel litre by 55 laari to Rf8.20.

Shahid Ali, CEO of STO, told Miadhu that the increase was made in response to the rising price of oil in the world market.

He added STO tries to maintain a low retail price but there has been an increase of US$4 per barrel over the past two days.


11 projects completed

The ministry of home affairs has revealed that 11 projects have been completed under the public sector investment programme (PSIP) while seven were underway, reports Miadhu.

The projects include an island office and a guesthouse for Haa Dhaal Nolhivaramfaru, atoll offices for Raa and Faafu atolls, an island office and fire station for Seenu Maradhoo and the fire station of Gnaviyani Fuahmulah.

The projects were part of the 2006 to 2008 PSIP, which included five island offices, two atoll offices, two guesthouses, five mosques and six regional fire stations. The total cost of the projects was estimated at Rf70 million (US$5.4 million).
