Police officers return from training in Mysore

Four senior officers from the Maldives Police Service have return from a deputy superintendent training course in the Karnataka Police Academy in India, Miadhu reports.

The one year course involved training on subjects such as human rights, criminal psychology, forensics, cyber crime and criminal jurisprudence. The four senior officers, Fathullah Waheed, Mohamed Nadheem, Yoosuf Bushree and Moosa Rasheedh, also received advanced training on insurgency and counter-insurgency tactics, field craft and map reading by paramilitary officers.

All officers successfully completed the course, while Mohamed Nadheem was chosen as ‘Most Outstanding Student’ after coming first in high jump and being awarded ‘Best Player’ in the volleyball competition.


Man arrested over drowning

A man has been arrested in connection with the drowning of 26 year-old Moosa Jinaa, of Gandhakoalhige Maradhoo, Miadhu reports.

Jinaa’s body was found on Saturday night in the island’s lagoon, police said. He had reportedly left to do some night fishing accompanied by another man, and when he failed to return islanders launched a search.

Police said Jinaa’s companion tried to flee when he was also discovered in the lagoon, and said the islanders tried to attack him. However the doctor who examined the body at Hithadhoo Regional Hospital said there were no obvious signs of foul play.

The man remains in police custody and the incident is now being investigated.


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Vimla employees protest non-payment of wages

Vimla employees protest non-payment of wages

About a 100 foreign employees of Vimla Construction protested outside the company’s offices yesterday over non-payment of wages and food allowances, Haveeru reports.

The employees claimed they have not been paid last month’s wages or overtime allowances for a year.

An official from Vimla said the workers were demanding that the company arrange for them to leave for holidays in groups. He said about six employees were being sent back every week, but it would be difficult to send more at a time.

He denied the workers had not been paid, adding their food was provided by hotels.


Massage parlour set ablaze

A massage parlour in Male was set on fire after some kind of incidendiary was thrown through the door on Friday, Haveeru reports.

The fire damaged furniture and equipment in the lobby of the Nature and Health Care clinic as well as shattering the glass on two doors inside.

Police said nobody was injured in the attack on the clinic, which hires expatriate women to offer massages according to Haveeru.

Police refused to speculate on the motives of the attacker, and said while no arrests had been made the investigation was ongoing.


German Ambassador to the Maldives inaugrated

German Ambassador to the Maldives Jens Uwe Plötner has presented his letter of credentials to President Mohamed Nasheed.

Following the ceremony yesterday, Plötner and Nasheed discussed ways of strengthening the relationship between the two countries, particularly in the area of eco-tourism. Germany is popularly considered to be one of Europe’s leaders on environmental issues.

Plötner said Germany admired Nasheed’s “courageous policies” and pledged his country’s assistance.


MP volunteers for pay cut

Mohamed Riyaz, MDP MP of Gaaf Dhaal Dhaandhoo has asked the People’s Majlis administration to reduce his salary by 20 per cent, reports Miadhu.

A special parliamentary committee is currently discussing the possibility of reducing the salary of Majlis members, but a consensus has not been forthcoming. Independent MP Mohamed Nasheed initially proposed reducing MP’s salaries and allowances from Mrf 62,000 a month to Mrf 37,000, but his bill was rejected.

Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed has requested members take a 20 per cent pay cut in the wake of reductions across the civil service.


Maldivian man falls to death in India

A Maldivian man fell to his death while painting the mast of a ship in India’s Tuticorin harbour, Haveeru reports.

The man suffered massive head injuries when he fell from the mast of the State Trading Organisation (STO) ship ‘MV Bonthi’, and was pronounced dead when he reached hospital.

STO officials told Haveeru the man was wearing a safety belt when he fell from the 8-10 foot tall mast, and the incident was being investigated.


Burn victim evacuated to Malé

A 20 year-old girl from Seenu atoll Meedhoo suffered severe burns to 35 per cent of her body last week after an incident in the kitchen, Haveeru reports.

The girl’s husband and child were with her at the time, police said, adding that they were unclear how the incident occurred and were investigating the matter.

Nahula Abubakur was evacuated from Hithadhoo Regional Hospital to Male on Thursday for further treatment at the request of her family, doctors said.
