Minivan News enables comments

Minivan News now allows readers to discuss content we publish, and debate issues.

Our aim is to make this platform inclusive and safe, and ensure the site is always filled with lively, entertaining and intelligent discussions.

There are 10 simple guidelines we expect all participants to abide by when posting comments:

  1. Comments may be edited for clarity or excessive length. If we feel we have to edit your comment for clarity (or typos), we endeavour to not misrepresent you. If you think we have made a mistake, contact us. And if you have a lot to say, consider posting your comment to our letters section.
  2. We welcome debate and dissent, but will not tolerate mindless abuse or personal attacks on authors, other users or any individual. We would like Minivan News to be a space for intelligent discussion of topics.
  3. We acknowledge criticism of the articles we publish, but will not allow persistent misrepresentation of Minivan News and our journalists to be published on our website. For the sake of robust debate, we will distinguish between constructive, focused argument and smear tactics.
  4. We understand people often feel strongly about issues debated on the site, but we will consider removing any content that others might find overtly offensive or threatening. Please respect other people’s views and beliefs and consider your impact on others when making your contribution.
  5. We will not tolerate racism, sexism, or other forms of hate-speech or incitements to violence. We recognise the difference between criticising a particular government, organisation, community or belief and attacking people on the basis of their race, religion or gender.
  6. We will remove comments that may put us in legal jeopardy under Maldivian law. This includes potentially libellous or defamatory postings.
  7. We will remove any posts that are obviously commercial or otherwise spam-like. This may also apply to people or organisations who frequently post propaganda or external links without adding substantively to the quality of the discussion on Minivan News.
  8. Keep it relevant. We know that some conversations can be wide-ranging, but if you post something which is unrelated to the original topic (“off-topic”) then it may be removed, in order to keep the thread on track. This also applies to queries or comments about moderation, which should not be posted as comments. If you wish to comment on a wider issue we have not covered, consider sending us a letter.
  9. The platform is ours, but the conversation belongs to everybody. We want this to be a welcoming space for intelligent discussion, and we expect participants to help us achieve this by notifying us of potential problems and helping each other to keep conversations inviting and appropriate. If you spot something problematic in the comments, please report it.
  10. Lastly, comments (obviously) reflect the opinions of our readers. Published comments in no way represent the editorial values of Minivan News, beyond being subject to these guidelines.

To sum up:

  • If you act with maturity and consideration for other users, you should have no problems.
  • Don’t be unpleasant. Demonstrate and share the wisdom, intelligence and sense of humour we know you possess.
  • Take some responsibility for the quality of the conversations in which you participate, and help make this a place for debate and discussion.

The Minivan News team
