Letter on High Court appointments

Dear President Mohamed Nasheed,

Since the committee has not followed the criteria set up by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) to allocate marks for the potential judges of the high court, and since constitutional problems are apparent in the process of appointing judges to the High Court, I voluntarily participated in case forwarded by Baa Kendhoo Abdul Bari Yousuf, in the hopes that an independent and fair verdict would be reached.

But to the surprise of the whole judiciary, this particular case has been rejected by the courts and as a result the trust I, myself and the people have placed in the judicial process has grown faint.

Therefore as I am responsible for heading an official institution, I am obliged to work towards correcting this matter. And according to the article 115 of the constitution, since it is your responsibility to maintain the rule of law, I am obliged to report this to you. I sincerely request you to bring an end to this process which is violating the rules and laws of the State. Due to the inconvenience and shortage of time, I am unable to provide you with all the details of the matter.

Yours sincerely,

Hassan Saeed

Chief judge of Family Court

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