Parliament approves ambassador for Sri Lanka as president withdraws nominee for EU post

The Majlis today unanimously approved Zahiya Zareer as the Malidves’ ambassador to Sri Lanka with 49 votes.

Zareer previously served as the Minister of Education in President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s administration and ran for parliament.

President Abulla Yameen’s nomination for the ambassador for Pakistan, Major General (Rt) Moosa Ali Jaleel was also sent for review by the National Security Committee as per parliament regulations.

Jaleel was the Chief of Defence Force under President Mohamed Nasheed and is revered as a national hero for his services during the attempted coup by Tamil mercenaries in 1988.

However , president Yameen today withdrew the name of Hassan Sobir whom he earlier nominated as the new ambassador to Belgium and the European Union. No official reason was given for the withdrawal.

Sobir served as the tourism minister and fisheries minister in President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom’s administration. He also served as the ambassador for Singapore and the UK.


President Yameen ratifies penal code before leaving for Japan

President Abdulla Yameen today ratified the new penal code shortly before departing on an official state visit to Japan.

The People’s Majlis passed the resubmitted code on April 1, which will replace the previous version which has remained unchanged since the 1960s.

The new law will come into force one year after ratification and publication in the government gazette, though local media today reported that Yameen has advised the Attorney General to make a number of changes during the transitional period.

Haveeru also reported that the president ratified the recently passed anti-money laundering bill, as well as amendments to the Religious Unity Act and the Judges Act.


Health awareness and consultation programme held in Maafuashi

Yesterday, a health awareness and consultation programme organised by the Holiday Inn Kandooma Maldives was held in Maafushi, in Kaafu Atoll.

The programme was held in collaboration with ADK Hospital, Maafushi Council, and the Maldives Medical Association.

”In the camp, apart from consultations screening was done for hypertension and diabetes mellitus. A public lecture also was delivered on common health issues to the general public by Dr Mohamwd Wisham and Dr Hamza Solih, and Mr. Mohamed Mustofa,” a statement about the awareness programme stated.

The health camp was conducted by Dr Hamza Solih (ADK Hospital) Dr Mohamed Wisham (ADK Hospital), Executive Committee Member (Maldives Medical Association) Dr Tata Rao (ADK hospital), and Mr Mohamed Mustofa (Phycotherapist) (Maldives institute for psychological services, training and reserach) the statement said.


Police looking for father who took 5-year-old daughter from her mother

Police have asked the public for assistance in locating a father who took his 5-year-old daughter from her mother after saying he was going to a nearby shop.

In a statement the police said that the Kulhudhufushi Magistrate Court had ordered the police to take the child from her father and to give her back to her mother as soon as possible.

The police identified the father as Hussain Thahseen of Filladhoo in Haa Alifu Atoll.

Kulhidhufushi Magistrate Court has said that it was unacceptable to victimise the child in an issue related to her father and mother.

The court also noted that Thahseen has a previous criminal record which includes drugs and crimes related to large amounts of money.


Chamber of commerce awaiting permit for night market

The Maldives National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI) has expressed concern with the Malé City Council’s refusal to grant permission to host the annual night market in the capital.

MNCCI Vice Chair Ismail Asif told newspaper Haveeru yesterday that the city council had not responded to the chamber of commerce’s request for permission to host the market.

“We are concerned because the council would not even respond to this issue. At this state, another party is announcing hosting Night Market. The same thing happened last year, same thing this year. It seems as if they are trying to hand the project over to someone in particular,” he was quoted as saying.

The Anti-Corruption Commission last week informed the city council that its agreement with Go Media Pvt Ltd to organise the night market had been terminated last year.

Deputy Mayor Shifa Mohamed told the local daily that the council would make a decision in the near future to resolve the issue.

“MNCCI not partaking in the Go Media bid too is a problem. We had found out that they had not participated. We can’t grant the permission to another party without getting out of the agreement made with Go Media. This is the problem that we face now. That, too is a cemented agreement,” she said.


Center for Asia Pacific Aviation profile on Mega Maldives

The Center for Asia Pacific Aviation (CAPA) has said that Mega Maldives Airlines is planning a rapid fleet and network expansion by seeking potential joint venture partnerships in other markets.

In a company profile for the airline, CAPA said that the first phase of the expansion plan would involve the addition of four 757s and one 767 to the fleet, while the second phase would involve launching flights to Australia and Europe.

Mega Maldives has pursued modest expansion since launching in early 2011 and currently operates three scheduled routes from Malé with a fleet of two 767s and one 757.

“Tourist arrivals from China including Hong Kong have increased more than five-fold over the last four years from about 60,000 in 2009 to 332,000 in 2013, according to Maldives Ministry of Tourism data. China is now by far the largest and fastest growing source market for tourists to the Maldives, accounting for 30% of all arrivals in 2013,’’ said the CAPA profile.

In Southeast Asia Mega Maldives has been considering starting flights to Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur.

“Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta are not nearly large enough to support MEGA on a purely local basis. Malaysia accounted for about 11,000 visitor arrivals in the Maldives in 2013,’’ CAPA stated.

However, CAPA reported that the airline was confident that Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur to Malé would be viable routes with connections to Saudi Arabia because of strong demand for religious travel.

If Mega Maldives launches flights from Kuala Lampur or Jakarta to Jeddah it would become the first transit market and turn Male’ in to a potential transit hub from Asia to the Middle East, Africa, and other Indian Ocean islands, read the profile.

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Health advocate and public figure Dr Razee passes away

Famous medical doctor and public figure Dr Ahmed Razee passed away last night while being treated in Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital’ following a heart attack at 59 years.

Dr Razee was a popular figure throughout the Maldives, mainly due to his active engagement in health advocacy through television, radio, and later through social media.

In his final Facebook status – from the ICU at IGMH – Dr Razee said that years of of diabetes and smoking had caught up with him and requested everyone to pray for his recovery.

His funeral prayer was held today at the Islamic Center after Asr Prayers and was attended by a large number of people. Dr Razee is survived by nine children from three marriages.

In his more than three decades of medical service since 1984, Dr Razee served in Central Hospital as a health officer, then in IGMH as a senior consultant and later as head of operations.

Dr Razee also served in the government as a medical director at the Ministry of Health and as the director in the Department of Medical Service. He also served as a lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences.

He retired as a civil servant in 2010 but to serve the medical profession, consulting at private clinics and hospitals. Dr Razee described himself as a self-employed “physician with special interest in diabetes and metabolic syndrome”.

A diabetic himself, Dr Razee was most vocal on diabetes awareness, but also concentrated on tuberculosis, healthy lifestyles and sexual health – still a taboo subject in the country.

He also served as chair of the Maldives Diabetics Association and played an important role in establishing a diabetic clinic at IGMH.

Dr Razee was also a health reform advocate who was vocal in raising issues with the health system through conventional and social media.

He was a familiar face for most Maldivians and a social person who mingled with the public and enjoyed leisure activities like fishing and playing music.

His engagement with the public through social media was not limited to health advocacy and medical guidance, often discussing religion, politics, and personal experiences.


Maldives and Chinese governments sign agricultural MoU

The governments of the Maldives and China have today signed an agreement on agricultural and research project cooperation.

“Under the terms of the Agreement the Government of China shall extend to the Government of Maldives, a grant aid of One Million Yuan [MVR2.5million]. The Grant aid will be utilized to Agriculture Sector of Maldives,” read a press release from the Maldives’ Foreign Ministry.

Present at the signing ceremony today was Foreign Minister Dunya Maumoon alongside Chinese ambassador Wang Fukang, with senior officials from the fisheries and foreign ministries also present.

Earlier this week, the Chinese ambassador also took part in a ceremony inaugurating a bilateral training seminar involving Chinese and Maldivian police officers, scheduled to take place in Shanghai this month.


Nestlé Sri Lanka and Education Ministry sign MoU

Nestlé Lanka and the education ministry have signed a MoU to empower young talent development in the Maldives.

According to online newspaper Lanka Business Times, the MoU was signed to host an annual award ceremony dubbed ‘Milo Schools Award Night’ which will recognise and award exceptional students.

Lanka Business Times quoted Dr Aishath Shiham as saying that

“Milo’s presence in the Maldives has had significant impact on the local community over the years, winning the hearts of the people via an intimate and consistent engagement,” State Minister of Education Dr Aishath Shiham was quoted as saying.

“We hope that this partnership with Nestlé will help us highlight young Maldivian talent whilst creating a platform for these skilled individuals to gain well deserved recognition both nationally and beyond.”

Managing Director of Nestlé Lanka Ganesan Ampalavanar said that their involvement and support ensures the promotion of attributes like leadership, discipline, and team spirit amongst youth and also plays a pivotal role in providing a platform for both identifying and developing talent to represent the island on a global scale.

He said he was pleased and honored to strengthen the ongoing relationship with the Maldives by partnering with the education ministry to host and conduct the annual awards from 2014 – 2018.
