Ambergis worth estimated MVR50 million found by fisherman

A lone fisherman has found an object believed to be the incredibly rare substance, ambergris.

Local media reported that the object weighs 50kgs, and was found this morning (March 25) by Shareef Idhris whilst trawling near the Velidhoo channel.

“I saw an object floating about 30ft away. I went close to it, but then I rode away without picking it up. I went back and forth about three times before picking it up,” he told Haveeru.

“People say ambergris floats. I scraped off a bit of the object and it smelled weird, so I decided to take it to the island.”

The locals, who were fortunate enough to have come across ambergris before, have estimated it to be worth up to MVR50 million. Shareef is currently seeking to confirm that the objects is ambergris, but due to the island’s previous experience of ambergris he is confident in its authenticity.

In June 2012 police were required to guard 25kg of ambergris in Hanimaadhoo after disagreements fight broke out between those claiming to have first found the precious substance.
Ambergris occurs as a biliary secretion of the intestines of the sperm whale and can be found floating upon the sea, or lying on the coast. It’s most common use is in perfume due to its unique musky fragrance.

Saudi Arabia’s growing role in the Maldives: BBC

“Foreign holidaymakers in the Maldives, one of the world’s most popular luxury honeymoon destination, were not happy earlier this year when their hotel bookings were cancelled at short notice,” writes Charles Haviland for the BBC.

“The reason was that Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, had booked out three whole islands for nearly a month.

It is just one example of the growing role of Saudi investment in the archipelago, a factor which may make the Maldives’ government unwilling to ruffle the feathers of Saudi Arabia’s rulers.

“The well-being of our guests is always our primary concern,” a spokeswoman for the Anantara resorts told the British newspaper, the Daily Mail, which reported that some tourists were angry at being moved to make way for the Saudi prince.

Prince Salman, who is also Saudi Arabia’s defence minister, was on an official business visit at the invitation of Maldives President Abdulla Yameen, who was elected in November after two years of political turmoil.”

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Man dies in motorcycle accident in Dhuvaafaru

A 21 year old man has died in an accident in the island of Dhuvaafaru in Raa Atoll on Saturday afternoon.

The man passed away at around 10.30pm on Saturday while he was receiving treatment in the island’s health centre for injuries sustained when falling off his motorcycle.

Police stated that they had gotten reports of the accident at 10:15pm and were preparing to assist the man’s transfer from Dhuvaafaru Health Centre to the regional hospital in Ungoofaaru when he passed away.

Police are further investigating the matter. The identity of the victim has not been revealed as of yet.


Beautiful Eyes Association marks World Down Syndrome Day

Marking the World Down Syndrome Day on Thursday, March 20, Beautiful Eyes Down Syndrome Association of the Maldives held a march around capital city Malé, titled a ‘buddy walk’.

Minivan News observed close to a thousand participants in the march, including representatives from various organisations, private businesses, a number of schools, as well as families and friends of children with down syndrome.

The majority of marchers were sporting special tee shirts sold as a fund raising initiative by the Beautiful Eyes association. A large number of participants were also wearing mismatched socks – a symbol internationally used to mark the day.

The march stopped at five locations on main roads where participating children performed various items. Two of these items were presented by children with down syndrome.

Organisers from the Beautiful Eyes Association noted high public participation in the event, stating that it was a fund raising event in order to support its Therapy Centre – the only one of its kind in the Maldives which is run exclusively to provide therapy for children with Down Syndrome.


Transparency Maldives reveals details of election day observation mission

Transparency Maldives has today confirmed it will be fielding the only nation-wide domestic elections observation mission for this Saturday’s Majlis elections.

The mission will comprise of over 300 trained observers and volunteers, spanning all 20 atolls and foreign countries hosting ballot boxes for the country’s second multi-party parliamentary elections.

In addition to election day efforts,  Transparency will be conducting long-term election observation in order to ensure that the pre-election is free from obstructions, and that voters can make an informed choice without undue influence.

Transparency Maldives’ long-term observer network has been functional since 1 March 2014.

“Though the pre-election environment is largely peaceful, Transparency Maldives has identified vote buying, allegations of abuse of authority and state resources, and the lack of political financing transparency as major issues of concern through the long term observation,” read the press release.

Transparency will be releasing a press statement on the opening of polls on the afternoon of election day, as well as a statement on the closing and counting of ballots the following day.

A final report on the findings with recommendations will be published within a month of the polls.


Coastguard looking for missing safari boat

The Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) coastguard has started looking for a safari boat after it was reported missing.

In a statement today, the MNDF said that the boat named ‘Al-Dhabaran’ – owned by a company named ‘Blue Voyage Cruises’ – left the island of Kaadehdhoo in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll to travel to Malé on March 18, since which time the owner of the boat had been unable to contact the vessel.

The MNDF said the owner of the boat had described the Al-Dhabaran as being 28 meters long and there will be five crew members aboard.

The MNDF appealed to the public to report any information they have regarding the missing boat and requested that anyone with information contact coastguard at 3395981 or 3398898.


Foreign criticism of court verdicts tantamount to criticism of Islam, says president

President Abdulla Yameen has compared allowing international actors to criticise the Supreme Court and its verdicts as being similar to allowing people to criticise the tenets of Islam.

“This is a message I am giving especially to President Nasheed [former President Mohamed Nasheed]. If you want to maintain the eminence, dignity and sovereignty of the Maldives, do not allow foreign entitities to criticise the final verdicts released from the courts of law.”

“If you allow them to do so, you are giving them the freedom to criticise the Islamic tenets that we have amongst us,” Yameen stated, speaking at a political rally held in the island of Fuvahmulah on Wednesday night.

The president’s comments come shortly after international actors roundly condemned the Supreme Court’s decision to dismiss senior members of the Elections Commission ahead of Saturday’s (March 22) Majlis elections.

Calling on Nasheed to stop criticising the judiciary, Yameen stated that this government will not create commissions to investigate events that occurred in the past.

He further stated that the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives will not try to ‘mete out punishments’ to general members of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party.


Three Maldivian students charged in Malaysia

Three Maldivian students who were arrested at a music festival in Malaysia have been charged with drug related offences.

Local media Sun Online reported that the three students – named by the local Malaysian press as Fazal Mohamed, 24, Hassan Ibrahim Hayyan, 20, Ahmed Hayyan Majeed, 19 – were arrested along with 22 others.

The arrests came after 6 people died at the Future Music Festival Asia (FMFA) on March 14. The third day of the music festival was subsequently cancelled.

According to the FMFA press statement the organisers are “deeply saddened by the reported loss of lives,” and “thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of those affected.”


President promises Hithadhoo hospital construction

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has stated that the construction of a new 100-bed hospital in Hithadhoo, Addu City will be begin this year, according to local media Sun Online.

The announcement was made at a Progressive Party of Maldives event in Hithadhoo last night (March 18).

Sun Online quoted President Yameen as saying “Construction of a 100-bed hospital in Hithadhoo will also begin, God willing, within this year.” According to their report the new hospital will be funded by aid from a foreign government.

According to the report, President Yameen also highlighted a number of other construction projects underway, including a new operation theatre in Hithadhoo Regional Hospital.
