Housing Ministry asks Male City Council to hand over MDP protest site in seven days, despite High Court order

The Housing Ministry has asked the Male’ City Council to evacuate and hand over the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)’s protest site at Usfasgandu in Male within seven days.

The repeated demand comes a day after the High Court overturned a Civil Court order backing the government’s previous order that the land be handed over.

Speaking at a press conference held today, Housing Minister Dr Mohamed Muiz said the council was not using the Usfasgandu site according to the government’s land use plan.

Muiz said the council has been sent a notice asking them to evacuate the land plot and if not the ministry will, in accordance to the law, evacuate the land plot and will not be responsible for any loss of property in the area.

Muiz also said that the government will not hesitate to take actions against any one in order to protect the interest of the citizens.

‘’Because of the way the Male’ City Council is using the land, it is not benefitting the people,’’ he said. ‘’So a notice have been sent in reference to the High Court order and Attorney General’s advice.’’

Muiz also said the ministry had received reports that Male’ City Council was ordering businessmen running food outlets and other businesses in the ‘Alimas Carnival’ area to vacate the area. He said the businessmen did not have to listen to what the council said because the Alimas Carnival area was no longer under the jurisdiction of the council.

‘’They can run their businesses unless the government ask them to leave the area,’’ he added.

Land dispute

The area was cordoned off by police late last month after the High Court issued a warrant requesting the area be kept under police custody until it reached a verdict on the case.

Male’ City Council leased the Usfasgandu area to the ousted ruling party in March 2012, prompting repeated attempts by the government to reclaim the area on the grounds it was being used for criminal activity, including the practice of black magic.

The MDP had moved to the area after a previous protest camp at the tsunami monument was dismantled and completely repainted by police and military on March 19, 2012.

On May 29, police raided the Usfasgandu site after obtaining a search warrant from the Criminal Court, ordering the MDP to vacate the area. The Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) then began dismantling the protest camp.

The Housing Ministry filed a case with the Civil Court after MCC refused to hand the land plot to the ministry.


Boat captain arrested in connection with two kilograms of drugs discovered on ‘MSV Maria Janemal’

Maldives Customs have seized two kilograms of illegal narcotics smuggled into the Maldives by an Indian cargo vessel named MSV Maria Janemal.

According to a statement issued by the customs department, the drugs were packed into four packets.

Three of the packets contained 2105 grams of heroin and the fourth packet contained 85 grams of hashish oil, according to the customs department.

The customs department said the drugs were hidden in two location of the cargo vessel.

“The captain of the boat and the seized drugs have now been handed over to the police for further investigation,” the customs department said in the statement.

The customs department said that the drugs were seized on February 23 in an operation conducted based on intelligence reports.

According to the customs department, all the passengers of the vessel were Indian nationals and were still under customs charge.

Customs said the boat arrived to the Maldives on February 16, carrying fruits and vegetables from India to be imported to the Maldives.

On November 27 last year, police seized a local drug network and arrested five Maldivians and four Indians while they were in possession of 9 kilograms of illegal substances.

The men were arrested after they arrived in the Maldives aboard a cargo boat named ‘Silver Cloud 49’, a vessel carrying goods from India to the Maldives that had just unloaded eggs, potatoes and onions from Tuticorin port in India.

In May last year, the Police Drug Enforcement Department (DED) have busted a large drug network they alleged centered around a 56 year-old man working on the cargo vessel ‘MV Reina’, and seized a large quantity of cannabis and illegal drugs trafficked into the country.


President declares March 4 a public holiday

President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik has declared Monday (March 4, 2013) as a public holiday.

The decision was taken to coincide with the year’s first sitting of the People’s Majlis, which is occurring the same day, according to the President’s Office website.
