Tourist police stationed at areas frequented by tourists in Malé

The Maldives Police Services (MPS) have stationed tourist police officers at areas frequented by the tourists in Malé.

“Numerous police officers are stationed in different areas of Malé for when the tourists disembark in Malé,” read a police statement today. “As the republic square and artificial beach are frequently visited by tourists, police presence will be more prominent in these areas.”

The police said they would take extra measures to protect tourists from a passenger liner currently docked in the Malé harbor.

Earlier this month, Foreign Minister Dunya Maumoon met with Chinese Ambassador Wang Fukang in order to discuss the safety and security of Chinese tourists in the Maldives.

The meeting was attended by senior officials from the Maldivian Foreign Service and the embassy of China, along with representatives from the tourism ministry, the immigration department, the police, the Maldives Customs Service, as well as relevant tourism industry groups.

In September 2014, a Chinese tourist hit by speeding motorbike on Medhuziyaarai Magu died while undergoing treatment in Sri Lanka.


HDC managing director Suhail resigns

The Housing Development Corporation’s (HDC) Managing Director Suhail Ahmed has resigned today, according to local media.

Speaking to Haveeru, Suhail said he had resigned for personal reasons, but refused to provide further details.

“I have worked in this post for a long time. I have also worked in the government. Now I want to do something of my own,” he said.

Suhail played a key part in the development of Malé’s suburb Hulhumalé, having worked at HDC for ten years and the government for over 30 years.


Opposition rallies encourage terrorism, says PPM

Opposition protesters called for the overthrow of President Abdulla Yameen’s government through a suicide attack, the ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) has alleged.

In a statement on Wednesday, the PPM called on the Elections Commission, the Maldives Police Services and the Prosecutor General to take the call “encouraging terrorism” as a serious matter.

Since February 12, the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and former PPM ally Jumhooree Party (JP) have been protesting nightly against alleged unconstitutional acts by the PPM, including the controversial dismissal of the Auditor General and two Supreme Court judges.

However, the PPM said opposition parties had failed to demonstrate how the government had breached the constitution and were only attempting to disrupt public order.

“This party believes these protests are aimed at obstructing President Yameen’s administration’s successful work at establishing peace and security. [The opposition] is disrupting the economic, social and political order in the country,” the statement read.

PPM Spokesman Ali Arif told Minivan News that the PPM “does not have any problem with protests held within the boundaries of law” and that “the leaders who organize the protests are ultimately responsible for what is being said on the mic.”

In response to the opposition’s claim that the government had lost legitimacy with the JP’s split from the PPM, Arif said the Maldivian people had voted for President Yameen and Vice President Dr Mohamed Jameel, and not the PPM, JP coalition.

“The people marked a ballot paper that had the name of President Yameen and Dr Jameel as his Vice President. Neither the Constitution of the Republic of Maldives nor Maldivian laws include any mention of the word ‘coalition.’ In constitutional and legal terms the word does not exist,” he said.

When asked if the PPM would initiate talks with the opposition, Arif said: “street action is not the way to pave way for discussions and dialogue”.

Yameen, who gained 29 percent of the vote in the first round of 2013 presidential polls, was elected as president after JP’s Gasim Ibrahim backed him at the eleventh hour. Yameen won the election against MDP’s Mohamed Nasheed with 51.4 percent of the vote.

The PPM and JP coalition first fractured in May 2014 following the ruling party’s refusal to back Gasim for the Majlis Speakership.

Speaking to supporters last night, MDP MP Imthiyaz Fahmy denied that the opposition had called for a suicide attack, but said: “everyone gathered here  is willing to sacrifice not only their lives, but their goods as well, in order to bring good governance to the Maldives.”

“We are a coalition of MDP and JP, the majority of the Maldivian people. This is why President Yameen should listen to our demands and stop repeatedly violating the constitution.”

The Maldives Police Services arrested two protesters from the rally last night. In response to media reports that police had used pepper spray at the rally, a spokesperson told Minivan News that officers had used “adequate and necessary force.”

Government supporters are to march today calling for an end to anti-government protests. The march will begin at 4 pm from the Artificial Beach in Malé.

Tourism Minister and PPM’s vice president Ahmed Adeeb tweeted in support of the rally and called on “All Youth who Support President Yameen” to attend the rally “against Nasheed & Gasim, destroying our future”

The Broadcasting Commission of Maldives today released a statement reminding all media outlets to follow broadcasting code of ethics, stating that “some content broadcasted in relation to the ongoing protests are in violation of the broadcasting code of ethics”.

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ADK Hospital to increases prices by 10 percent

Privately owned ADK Hospital is to increase services by ten percent starting on February 22, Haveeru has reported.

“We haven’t increased prices since the government health insurance policy Aasandha started. But the prices of the goods have increased. So we had to increase the prices of the services offered too,” ADK Managing Director Affal Mohamed told Haveeru.

The change in prices would not affect the coverage afforded by national health insurance scheme Aasandha, Affal said.

ADK has renewed contracts with Aasandha for the year, but newly introduced services including orthoscopic surgery and neurosurgery are not yet covered.

Affal said the hospital is currently in talks with the government to provide coverage for orthoscopic surgery and neurosurgery at the hospital.


Dhanbidhoo harbor project begins

The Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has begun constructing a 500 foot long harbor on Laamu Atoll Dhanbidhoo Island on Tuesday.

The US$2.2million project is expected to be completed within 290 days

Housing Minister Dr. Mohamed Muizz said Dhanbidhoo residents had been demanding a harbor for several years and said: “The harbor will help to bring about economic and social development to the island.”


Former presidential advisor accuses tourism minister, finance minister of corruption in Fushidhiggaru deal

Former presidential advisor Ahmed ‘Sandhaanu’ Didi has accused Tourism Minister Ahmed Adeeb and Finance Minister Abdulla Jihad of illegally selling off Fushidhiggaru Lagoon in Kaafu Atoll without the knowledge of then – President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan.

Speaking at a press conference today, Didi showed an agreement signed between the government and Ukranian company Prime Capital Pvt Ltd during Waheed’s administration on developing Fushidhiggaru.

The former Special Envoy on Human Rights claimed Waheed only discovered news of the deal when the investors attempted to register a joint venture company at the Ministry of Economic Development, but said both ministers denied the move at the time.

“I was at the president’s office then. Dr Waheed summoned Adeeb and Jihad and asked whether Fushidhiggaru lagoon had been sold off to a foreign party and they denied that any such thing was done,” he told the press.

Neither Adeeb nor Jihad were responding to calls at the time of press.

The Fushidhiggaru deal first came to light during the 2013 presidential elections, when current Home Minister Umar Naseer claimed Adeeb had sold off the lagoon without a transparent and public bidding process.

JP coalition claimed that the agreement was compiled, signed and stamped without legal advice from the Attorney General, in the late hours of January 18, 2013, a Friday night.

At the time, Adeeb denied the existence of an “official” lease agreement and dismissed the allegations as an attempt at “political assassination.”

Despite Adeeb’s denial, local media in September 2013 reported that the Economic Ministry had refused to register a joint venture company for the development of Fushidhiggaru lagoon with Prime Capital.

The company subsequently filed a lawsuit against the Economic Ministry at the Civil Court.

In a verdict (Dhivehi) delivered on July 15, Civil Court Judge Ali Naseer ordered the government to register the joint venture company within a seven-day period, sign a master lease agreement within five days of registration, “and [to] make all arrangements undertaken by the government in accordance with the agreement.”

Didi today said he has submitted relevant documents and letters to the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Anti-corruption Commission and Maldives Police Services requesting the matter be investigated.

“This is the most deceitful and biggest embezzlement in recent Maldivian history,” he said.

“I am aware that by talking about this I am endangering my own safety, but this must be done for the future generation. Prophet Mohamed, peace be upon him advised us to reveal the truth no matter how bitter it may be.”

Didi was imprisoned in 2003 for writing and distributing a newsletter called “Sandhaanu” which criticized President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s policies.

Former Auditor General Niyaz Ibrahim in November released a report implicating Adeeb in a US$6million corruption scandal.

Adeeb has denied allegations, and accused Niyaz of colluding with MP and former Deputy Speaker of parliament Ahmed Nazim in releasing the audit report. Adeeb suggested Nazim had a personal vendetta against him following his refusal to support Nazim for the Majlis Speakership in May.

Niyaz was subsequently dismissed from the post through a surprise amendment to the Audit Act, and Hassan Ziyath, the brother of an official implicated alongside Adeeb, was appointed as the new Auditor General.

The Criminal Court on October 26 withheld Nazim’s passport on allegations of blackmail while the Supreme Court today held the first hearing into an appeal of the High Court’s acquittal of Nazim from four counts of corruption.

Photo: President Abdulla Yameen’s cabinet

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Romanian tourists increase by 32 percent in 2014

The number of tourist arrivals from Romania to the Maldives has increased by 32 percent in 2014.

According to Romania-Insider, 3204 Romanians traveled to the Maldives in 2014 – an increase of 781 arrivals compared to the 2423 arrivals 2013.

The increase in arrivals was attributed to the commencement of chartered flights from Bucharest, Romania to Ibrahim Nasir International Airport (INIA).

“Most tourists went to the islands in December last year, namely about 678, almost double compared to December 2013, when only 371 traveled there,” read the Romanian insider.

Romanians only account for 0.3 percent of the market share of tourists arriving in Maldives.


Government to reinstate discontinued service, merit allowances for security forces

The government has decided to reinstate a discontinued service and merit allowance for the Maldives Police Service and Maldives National Defense Force.

The allowances were discontinued in 2009 during former president Mohamed Nasheed’s administration, and are to be reinstated this month.

According to Haveeru, security personnel who have served between ten and 20 years are eligible for the service allowance, while policemen and army officers who have attained higher education will be eligible for a professional allowance.

A similar allowance is to be given to officials who have undergone training related to their fields.


Lawyers “afraid” to represent MP Nazim in Supreme Court corruption appeal

Ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) MP Ahmed Nazim today appeared without a lawyer at a Supreme Court appeal into corruption charges, claiming his former lawyers were too afraid to provide him with legal representation.

“There will come a day when every man receives justice with Allah. I do not see a day where justice will be served in this country,” Nazim said.

Nazim is accused of conspiring to defraud the former Ministry of Atolls Development. He was acquitted by the High Court in February 2013.

At today’s hearing, Nazim told the Supreme Court his former lawyers Adam Asif and Ahmed “Reynis” Saleem had said the current political environment was “too dangerous” to represent him.

“The lawyer who represented me last, Adam Asif, said representing people like myself would be a danger, a threat to his life,” Nazim said.

Nazim’s claim comes in the aftermath of the arrest of former Defense Minister Mohamed Nazim on suspicion of treason and terrorism, economic sanctions on Jumhooree Party Leader Gasim Ibrahim, moves to restart a trial against former President Mohamed Nasheed, and the sacking of Auditor General Niyaz Ibrahim.

The former deputy Speaker and close associate of President Abdulla Yameen also appears to have fallen out of favor with the government, with the police withholding his passport on charges of blackmail in October.

Tourism Minister Ahmed Adeeb at the time blamed Nazim for a damning report implicating the minister in a US$6million corruption scandal. Adeeb accused Nazim of attempting to defame him due to his refusal to support Nazim’s bid for the Majlis Speakership.

According to Nazim, Saleem had also declined to represent him due to the state’s alleged failure to provide paperwork confirming it had withdrawn terrorism charges against the lawyer over a case of extortion in June 2013.

Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed today gave Nazim five days to appoint a lawyer and to respond to charges despite Nazim’s request for a longer period.

Nazim took issue with the Supreme Court’s decision to accept the Prosecutor General’s appeal, pointing out the charges had been appealed in July 2014 after the 90 day appeal period had passed.

The Judicature Act does allow courts to accept appeals submitted after the appeal period in extraordinary circumstances.

Nazim’s High Court acquittal came three months after former Prosecutor General (PG) Ahmed Muizz resigned. New PG Muhthaz Muhsin was appointed to the post in July 2014.

The US$400,000 atolls ministry scam – first flagged in a 2009 audit report – involved paper companies allegedly set up by Nazim to win bids for projects worth several hundred thousands dollars, including the fraudulent purchase of harbour lights, national flags, and mosque sound systems.

Shortly after the controversial transfer of presidential power in February 2012, the Criminal Court ruled there was insufficient evidence implicating the MP in the scam.

The Prosecutor General’s Office appealed the decision later that year at the High Court on the grounds that the Criminal Court had refused to accept the state’s witnesses which included Nazim’s former employees.

However, the High Court in February 2013 refused to accept witnesses testimony referring to a Supreme Court precedent which established that accomplices to a crime could not testify for or against an alleged partner to the crime.

The court of appeal also ruled that the prosecution was unable to prove that Nazim’s employees signed bogus bid proposals on his instructions.

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High Court upholds dismissal of corruption charges against deputy speaker of parliament

MP Nazim returns to Maldives, passport confiscated by immigration

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