MDP holds parliamentary group elections

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) held its parliamentary group elections, reports Miadhu.

Moosa Maniku was the only candidate for the chairmanship of the parliamentary group, and was elected by 20 out of 24 votes cast.

Mohamed Aslam and Ahmed Abdulla were elected as vice-chairs by 21 and 10 votes, respectively. Ahmed Sameer and Mohamed Nasheed also ran for the vice-chair post, receiving eight and seven votes, respectively.

Mohamed Shifaz, Ilyas Labeeb and Eva Abdulla were elected parliamentary whips with 23 votes each.

Hamid Abdul Ghafoor was elected Secretary General of the parliamentary group.


HRCM condemns recent violence and political confrontations

The Human Rights Commission Maldives (HRCM) has condemned the recent riots and political confrontations, reports Miadhu.

In a press statement released today, the HRCM has said the recent conflicts erupting during political activities and confrontations between people of different opinions are causing great physical and mental harm to the people.

The HRCM has requested the people avoid violence and cooperate with police. They have also asked the police to continue their work in preventing and dispersing violent demonstrations, and to respect the laws and Constitution of the Maldives.

They stated that although the Constitution provides “right to freedom of peaceful assembly without prior permission of the State” as stipulated in Article 32, this is limited by the “regulation on freedom of assembly” which was drafted before the new Constitution came into force.

The HRCM also expressed concern over the violent acts that took place in Parliament on 23 March, and requested the Parliament resolve issues by discussion and not to disrupt the work which needs to be done in the Majlis.


US State Department congratulates Maldives on democratic progress

The US State Department has expressed confidence in the Maldives government, congratulating the country on “the progress it has made in its democratic transition.”

“The United States congratulates the Maldives on the progress and commends the substantial reforms undertaken by the government to strengthen democratic institutions and promote economic growth and social development,” the State Department said in a press release today.

“The United States looks forward to the opportunity to continue to partner with Maldives to address crucial challenges, such as the social, environmental and economic impact of climate change, customs and border security, and strengthening democratic institutions,” it added.

The US will be represented at the donor conference by Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs, Michael Owen.

The US assistance package on the table currently totals $4.6 million, “with a particular focus on climate change adaptation assistance,” the State Department noted.


President establishes Office of Programmes and Projects

President Mohamed Nasheed has established the Office of Programmes and Projects (OPP), which is intended to prevent poor planning and project management.

The OPP will also be used to convince donors and international financial institutions that funded projects will be subject to fewer delays, quality issues and cost overruns.

The office will also centralise the administration of projects and programmes in a single department.


President voices concern over violence in Majlis

The President has said in his weekly radio address that he government will take “all possible measures” to prevent disruption to the peace and development of the country.

Referring to the weekend protests sparked by violent disagreements in parliament last week, President Mohamed Nasheed said “disrespect” of parliaments code of conduct, fights and offensive language would lower the institution in the eyes of the public.

“As much disagreement as there may be, it is my request that the People’s Majlis carry out its functions without one member assaulting another,” he said.


President meets with director of APCSS

President Mohamed Nasheed met yesterday with the Director of Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies (APCSS), Lieutenant General (Retired) Ed Smith, at the President’s Office.

They spoke of ways to address regional and global security issues, and the APCSS Conference Program, which brings current leaders, decision makers and subject experts in Asia Pacific to discuss contemporary security concerns.

President Nasheed said the Maldives faced many challenges during the transition process of consolidating democracy, and the government was committed to form an inclusive government.

Lt Smith said APCSS would continue to assist the Maldives with opportunities to participate in its conferences and executive education programs.


President of HRCM departs for Geneva

President of the Human Rights Commission Maldives (HRCM) Ahmed Saleem left for Geneva to take part in the 23rd session of the International Coordinating Committee (ICC) of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights to be held in Geneva from 22-25 March, reports Miadhu.

There will be 169 participants in the conference, representing National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) from all around the world.

Issues concerning NHRIs will be discussed, including challenges and developments in the engagement with regional human rights mechanisms, challenges for NHRIs in monitoring international obligations, the role of NHRIs in the protection of gender/women and child related issues, developments on the UN Draft Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training, human rights and business, and HIV related issues.

There will also be regional meetings, recommendations from international human rights bodies and discussions on emerging developments in human rights.


HRCM begins human rights program for teachers

The Human Rights Commission Maldives (HRCM) has begun a two day training program for Teacher Educators of College of Higher Education’s Faculty of Education.

The program will be held on 23-24 March and is aimed at promoting human rights awareness among teachers and in schools.

The inauguration of the program this morning was attended by State Minister for Education Dr Ahmed Ali Manik, who highlighted the importance of right to education.

The program is part of HRCM’s efforts to create a human rights culture in Maldivian schools, and it will focus on topics such as the importance of human rights education, gender equality in schools and creating a human rights friendly school environment.

Twenty-four teachers will participate in the program.
