President Mohamed Nasheed has been awarded the UN Champion of the Earth Award by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in Seoul, Republic of South Korea.
The awards were held in conjunction with the Business for Environment Summit (B4E), which is being attended by representatives of business, government and civil society who are working to promote a greener economy.
The award celebrates those who are encouraging a low carbon, resource efficient 21st century. The UN awards individuals “who embody commitment and vision towards environmental leadership through their action and their influence.”
One senior government official described Nasheed’s award as “quite a big deal – basically, the only thing that trumps this as an environment prize is a Nobel Peace prize, which they occasionally give for environmental causes.”
UN Under Secretary General and Executive Director of UNEP, Achim Steiner, said “President Nasheed is not only an articulate voice for the vulnerable and the poor facing the challenges of global warming, but a politician who is showcasing to the rest of the world how a transition to climate neutrality can be achieved and how all nations, no matter how big or how small, can contribute.”
President Nasheed said he was “delighted to accept this prize on behalf of the whole of Maldives. It goes to show that by doing the right thing, a small country can make a big impact on the world stage.”
President Nasheed also spoke of the damage industrialised countries have done to the environment, but said “given the opportunity, I believe that we would have done exactly the same.”
“We’re no better humans than the industrialised world. We’ve not been able to destroy as much as them…because we did not get the opportunity to destroy as much,” he said.
“We’ve destroyed whatever we can, and they destroyed whatever they can. Of course the magnitude of destruction by us is far less than the magnitude of destruction by others.”
He said the fact other countries had created more pollution than the Maldives did not mean they carry the burden of fixing the problem, and said that is why he is aiming to make the Maldives carbon neutral by 2020.
President Nasheed assured carbon neutrality is not only possible, but “it’s economically viable, financially feasible and there is no reason why we shouldn’t do it.”
He said the idea to be carbon neutral was “based very much on solid economic arguments.”
The president noted he doesn’t think it’s “humanly possible to do nothing about the environmental impacts” and was hopeful people could “bring the earth to it’s natural balance.”
“We still have time and we should act as quickly as possible,” he said.
He was awarded in the category of Policy and Leadership for his role in promoting the fight against climate change in forums such as last year’s Copenhagen COP15 Climate Change Summit, and for his efforts to raise awareness on climate change at a global level.
The UN commended him for his campaign to protect the coral reefs of the Maldives and for urging other countries to follow his initiative to turn the Maldives into the first carbon-neutral country by 2020.
President Nasheed ended his speech by saying “the climate crisis threatens us all. What happens to the Maldives today, happens to the rest of the world tomorrow. We are all Maldivians now.”
Press Secretary for the President’s Office Mohamed Zuhair said “the president is delighted and is saying he is humbled. He thinks the award gives a very good name to the country.”
President Nasheed will receive his trophy at a gala dinner tonight in Seoul.
President Nasheed was one of the six winners of the prestigious awards, chosen from the worlds of government, science, business and entertainment. The other five winners were Bharrat Jagdeo, President of Guyana; Prince Mostapha Zaher, Afghanistan’s Director General of the National Environmental Protection Agency; Taro Takahashi, Japanese earth scientist; Zhou Xun, Chinese actress; and Vinod Khosala, a green energy entrepreneur and co-founder of Sun Microsystems from the USA.

Is it just me or is that really captain planet behind him? Anyway, looks like Anni's collecting 30 years' worth of awards in his 8 year term.
way to go Mr.President. This award would cause great misery to DRP and all of Gayoom's cronies. This is a triumph for the nation.
well done our president. a proud day for the Maldives
Shame on Anni. He is collecting awards for all the hard work Maumoon has done regarding environmental dangers to Maldives.
maumoon is a bit jealous i reckon
Ali Waheed claims that this is MDP propagenda on an international stage.
Anyway Maumoon still got the cross (soleeb) from some earthly Saint. And now Anni gets his Champion of the Earth Award. They both can live happily everafter .... amen
Well Maumoon could have get more of those awards if he has sold all our heritage or promote such environmental propagandas. Are you all really beleiving that Maldives could afford to go carbon neutral in such a short span, even when the largest nation like US and more specifically Japan who is an epitome for such initiations could not afford to go Carbon neutral. Have any of you consider the consequences this would have for our nations development?
@Ibrahim ironic ha!. Maumoon's govt sat on the load of money Majeediyya raised during diamond jubilee till this year. When they went digital, Abdulla Shahid claims its because of Maumoon. Now you are saying president Nasheed got the award as result of the hard work done by Maumoon. If you can read and comprehend well you'd it is awarded to Nasheed the president of the Maldives. Former heads have got it too but not our wanna be father of Environment...Gayyoom
First it was President Gayoom now it is President nasheed receiving all the global environment awards.
I find it mindboggling that UN would give an environment award to President Nasheed who is campaining to get our fishermen to give up pole and line fising in favour of the environmentally disastrous long line fishing.
These awards have no meaning or value any more, Obama got Nobel prize for just talking, now Nasheed got earth award for doing nothing. At least Obama has the power to change the world. But how on earth Nasheed can change anything, as even he dont have support of 25% of his own people.
I think one of the reasons why we can achieve the carbon neutrality goal is because we are NOT a big, large nation like the US or Japan and I think time will prove that certain ambitious goals like this one can only be achieved by small nations like Maldives. Several economic factors like the lack of huge industries, I believe would be exactly why such a small nation can go carbon neutral. After all Maldives has proved that we can achieve a 100% literacy rate although we are small and under developed unlike USA and such developed super powers.
There is no question about how Qayoom worked in the area of bringing the environmental issues to the International community, but I do not think Anni is stealing the thunder and taking credit for Qayoom's work as Ibrahim Yasir has said as I doubt Qayoom would have been able to show the charisma and diplomacy that Anni displayed in Copenhagen.
It tastes bitter doesn't it that someone else is celebrated than your beloved Maumoon. He has had a long run making you lot rich over 30 years. You should be happy DRP.
i have to agree with ekalo's comment. obama was awarded noble prize for his intentions to make peace in the world. nasheed got this award for his intentions to make this country carbon neutral by 2020 (and having achieved carbon neutrality in Le Cute shop). well what does nasheed care about even if this goal is achieved or not since someone else is going to be in charge from 11/11/2013.
Poor, poor Maumoon. At least he has been made "Supreme Leader" of DRP.
It is amazing how he manages to have this North Korean style title even when he is OUT of power.
Hey Champion of the Earth, can you make Maldives a nation included as a visa waiver for entry into Schengen Countries? If you can do this, I would say you are a real champion. Until then your just a Topino.
@MSF @HassanK
Any sensible man would know that Maldives could not make any change to the world due to its disproportionate influence in the world. Maumoon know this and he didn't wanted to get a fame or such awards without any real achievement to our nation. If he had such an intention he would have played the game much better than these hypocrites. Anni and Dr.Shaheed is playing this treacherous game to polish their profile and for their perosnal gain and eventually all the price has to be paid by our poor Maldivians. Wake up Maldivians - your beloved Anni has so many boken promises.
just listen to these DRPers - so bitter than our President has outshined Maumoon on his most treasured topic: climate change. Well done Mr President, you make us proud
Hassan K what bitter taste you are talking about, we are here not to close our eyes and listen what ever nonsense the politicians say every day. Its a fact President Nasheed has done nothing to achieve anything, let alone atlaest in Maldives. If it is in Maldives we can see, of course he is a true politician, he know how to get international fame and talk on sensitive global issues, so he get some credit. Even a 2nd grader can understand, though he can talk, there is nothing he can do to change anything in this world.
I congrat President Nasheed for such recognition. However its not just about becoming a carbon neutral in 2020..what we need right now is for our economy to grow, harmony among ourselves, tackling crime & drug. I dont think President Nasheed pays so much attention to these issues, but takes more pride on collecting trophies and eyeing for Noble Prize.
Dear Anni, the fighter, now are you enjoying flying arround. Some friends left the country of maldives, no faith in this country. Is this what you worked for that the people stard to say he is a unsympathetic person. Who has no much here, they to sri lanka, open there there own live, runing wrong, walking on the street is to danger, to many motorbike, big cars (4 wheel) for what? aaaa mister anni "money money" for the country. And what is carbon free, aaaa sorry you got it now President Nasheed receives UN ‘Champion of the Earth’ award, and 40.6 mill.$ . So what is your actualy goal ? Mister Anni. we could have a coffee or tee at your place I am leaving very close, or I have a Lavazza coffee, safe place Goverment Camera are watching us . Please Anni serve your country better. Open a tourter office, wasted money! Just look they are not opening a office against you. ANNI many people still on you but it is just matter of time. first of all STOP IMPOTING VEHICAL ,CARS. no need 2x2km Male!!!! good luck. a friend of your very close friend.
Mr.Maumoon never actually received a prize frm the UN. All that happened was Kofi Banana took him to a side and told him that the environment wasnt his father's legacy for him to gad about it in haphazard ways. Mundhu and others immediately gave this Bafaa comment a spin to read as Environment ge Bafaa.
it is a mockery to those who dedicated their life for the cause.Is this award for scorching the earth?
Mother of all champions, come back home and deliver your bloody promises. It wont help you globe trotting every other month. COME BACK NOW.....
Wonder what President Nasheed was doing yesterday evening at Koli Ali Manik's residence in Singapore. President Nasheed was transiting Singapore on his way back to Male'. Probably Koli Ali Maniku is his new!!! what about all that was said by Nasheed and his party about Koli Ali Maniku before he was elected. Now I can understand why these days his name is not heard among the ruling party.
did any one who has comented on this actually followed the cope -15 summit. i doubt. and u dont need to be a saint or a prophet and do miracles to recive an UN award for environment. one advertisement and 3 to 4 charismatic speaches can give u an award. poor maldives, never follows any international news and yet they are comenting as if they are international correspondents from FOX news or Cnn. Belive it or not, maldives can go carbon nutral, but not Japan, US, or any industrial country. Do you know why, because we only have 5000 vehichals and a powerhouse to make it nutral, unlike developed countries. pis pis, shame on these maldivians, Remember Maumoon did not take part it Cope15 summit but Anni did, this award is always given on the performance on such summits. next time make sure u know what u are talking about
@ Hollow man
The stupidity of your comments implies that you are another moron in Maldives. Are you really beleiving that Maldives can go carbon neutral? Are you saying that we must be sailing in boats to travel to islands and other countries and no more airplanes landing into our airports. What a feeble man you are to mock other people. Do you know the repercussions of this to a tiny little nation like Maldives. If you consider interms of the vulnerability of our economy and the formation of our islands you could even get a glimpse of thought to your ignorant mind though you are obsessed with your beloved Anni.
we are slaves to the Arabs. Our economy is totally dependent on their oil. we have no control over the price, when the price rises, we bleed. renewable energy will allow us to make our own energy at cheaper price than oil. that is good for all who love maldives