Actors and entertainers join MDP

A number of local film-stars and singers signed up for the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) at a rally at Artificial Beach last night.

Among the 50 new members from the entertainment sector are Yousuf Shafeeu (Yuppe), his wife Fathimath Faeela,  “Dharaa” Mohamed Rasheed, Ahmed Nimal, Ali Shifau, Hussein Sobah, Ahmed Sameeu and “Naibuge” Abdullah Shiyam.

Famous actor Yuppe told supporters at the rally that he decided to join MDP because of the “unshakable resolve” of its members as well as the party’s commitment to national development and progress.

MDP also gained control of Faafu Magoodhoo island council when independent councillor Abdulla Rasheed signed for the party yesteday.

Apart from Faafu Nilandhoo, MDP has a majority in all other islands in the atoll.

The ruling party is currently the largest in the country with 44,000 members.
