Adhaalath Party vows to reach 10,000 members by end of February

Adhaalath Party has said it will reach more than 10,000 members by the end of February.

Sun Online reported Adhaalath Party Spokesperson Sheikh Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed – also Minister of Islamic Affairs – as saying that although the political party bill was vetoed by the President, the parliament will pass it again.

According to Sun, Shaheem said that there are 900 forms at the Elections Commission to be approved.

Shaheem also said that the party was urging everyone waiting to join Adhaalath later, to join now.


4 thoughts on “Adhaalath Party vows to reach 10,000 members by end of February”

  1. 10 thousand eh?

    Wonder how many of these really drink alcohol and have sex outside marriage?
    If statistics go by true, it would be more than half.

    All hypocrites!!!

  2. A friend of mine who's a staunch supporter of Gasim's 'Jumhooree Party' found his name on the adhaalath party list.

    Is this what has become of them? Reduced to identity theft?

  3. i joined adhaalath party after the bill was passed by the parliament. they are supposed to double their membership. i believe getting 10k members in such a short period would be a huge task.

    however i still do not approve all of adhaalath's decisions of the part but i strongly feel their existence is a definite must since anti-social elements are driven into the our community with the new "democracy" or due to actions of it's players. i find adhaalath as a party who balances the political environment regardless of whom the power is with.

    i would be deeply saddened if adhaalath is no more.

    and by the way, i still wonder... doesn't adhaalath see it's closest allies (PPM, yes) trying to annihilate them?

  4. how does adhaalath hope to reach this number?? making more babies??hahaha


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