The Criminal Court will provide VIP treatment and escort persons facing trial in and out through the back door in circumstances where it sees fit, Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed has said.
Speaking at a function held on Saturday night (September 13) to celebrate the court’s anniversary, Judge Abdulla reportedly said that the court would allow accused parties to enter through the back door for safety reasons.
“If a court employee has to go an receive such a person, that would be done, too. That is done through the court’s administrative arrangements,” he was quoted as saying in local media.
The remarks followed criticism of the court for providing preferential treatment to MP Ahmed Siyam Mohamed in his alcohol possession case.
The leader of the government-aligned Maldives Development Alliance was escorted in and out of the backdoor when he arrived at the court for a trial date and was also seated in a separate area.
Moreover, the chief judge had taken over Siyam’s case in May after the business tycoon requested a change of judge.
Judge Abdulla also criticised the police and state prosecutors for failure to secure convictions as a result of poor planning, insufficient evidence, and glaring inconsistencies between statements submitted by police and witness testimony heard at trial.

If there was one institution that 100% of maldivians agree, is an utter failure, it's our judiciary.
This is a community when one party calls a color red, the other, just to spite them, calls it blue.
Yet, they all agree on the uselessness and corruptness of our divine judges!
A lot of social problems stem from the actions of these vile judges.
Wonder if Chief Judge Abdulla is fit to be Chief Judge if he doesn't understand the concept of treating everyone equally?
By his own admissions here, he is saying that he does and will continue to treat different people differently in his courtroom.
This certainly goes against the notion of equality before the law!