Minister of Islamic Affairs Abdul Majeed Abdul Baari said accusations made by the Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) that President Mohamed Nasheed is seeking advice from the Islamic Ministry to establish a church in the Maldives are false, reports Miadhu.
Dr Baari said “missionary work has been in the Maldives for quite some time. But this government is working with the Islamic Ministry to eradicate that work.”
He pointed out several instances in which the previous government was linked to ‘spreading Christianity’ such as the opening of Salaam School, which was opened by former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom himself.
Minister Baari claimed Christian missionaries had been using the word ‘salaam’ to spread their religion in Muslim countries and said Gayoom was then forced to close the school.
He mentioned a teacher in Mauhadh school who was trying to spread Christianity in the school and was sent to another island, but not removed from the country.
Dr Baari also mentioned the former president’s personal photographer, Najmi, was convicted for translating the Bible into Dhivehi language, and said several members of the previous administration were distributing Christian books in the country.
He said Naseer’s comments were a hoax and there was no truth in the matter.

I hope this comment will be published and my comment to the Miadhu online was not. I am the owner of SALAAM School and we are still working here. It has never been closed. We suspended our programs because of personal agendas of previous government ministers and our school being sabotaged through abusive authority of the youth, education and the information ministers at the time but restarted our work soon thereafter. Today it is the only private social enterprise providing the marginalized Maldivian youth with skills that make them employable. Today I wonder how and if those holding authority uses their position. Ignorance is not an excuse but for someone who is entrusted to guide the country in religious matters, I am concerned that he uses information he has not verified and cite it without a concern. Is Dr Bari committing a wrong by islamic principles especially since he is making allegations that I (SALAAM School's founder)is promoting "Christianity". I have requested a meeting and I hope he is willing to create a dialogue and not hiding behind the zislamic Minisitry's wall,
One more thing - SALAAM is the acronym for School of Arts, LAnguages And Music.
This kind od Ministers we have today. This is what the Govt is about. Simply politicised it pass the blame to former govt. Dear Minsiter thats not all, Whatever the former govt has done cannot be undone and we brought the change and got yourself here to make things right. Not become a mounth piece for President Nasheed. Address the reality. Recently there have been several activities of other religiouse practices. One of my friend told me Nasheed has told Bari he would consider full democracy only when u can have a beer on the street and practice other religions freely.