GIP hopes Dr Waheed will run for president in 2013: Taqfeeq

Secretary General for Gaumee Ithithihaadhu Parly (GIP), Ahmed Tafeeq, has said a potential bid by Vice President Dr Mohamed Waheed to run for president in 2013 is a positive development, “as there is no other personality as educated and qualified”, reports Miadhu.

After recent criticisms from Dr Waheed regarding the government, first on VTV’s show Hoonu Gondi (Hot Seat) and later at a GIP rally, speculations that he will run for president in the 2013 elections have erupted. But Dr Waheed said he has “no idea where this is coming from,” noting he still has not decided whether or not he will run in the elections.

Tafeeq said his party, also Dr Waheed’s party, has the right to raise issues regarding how the country is being run, and said the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) should welcome the Vice President’s criticisms.

According to Miadhu, MDP has said if Dr Waheed is running for president, “there is no point in remaining in the VP’s position as there would be a very distinct and clear conflict of interest.”


2 thoughts on “GIP hopes Dr Waheed will run for president in 2013: Taqfeeq”

  1. Hehehe..Tell Topi its nothing new, we all know about it even before he was elected as VP.

  2. Of course GIP want's its leader to run for President. The Vice President's leading style is to guide, not dictate his views - so obviously the party will have different views from the man.

    Let me say this as clearly as possible.

    Vice President Dr. Waheed has NO INTENTION of running for President in the 2013 Presidential Election at this time.

    Neither he, nor GIP, can afford the expense of such a national campaign without significant support from the populous.

    I personally disagree strongly with this Press Statement, though the party follows no man's will or desire, but that of the collective.

    Stop focusing on events far into the future, and instead lets focus on the here and now. There are so many national development issues more worth our time!


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