Government pledges to train 2000 cashiers

The Ministry of Economic Development has announced it will train 2,000 Maldivians to work as cashiers in shops, cafes, and restaurants.

“I ask that the ministry be informed of any difficulties faced by those who want jobs in shops,” economic development minister Mohamed Saeed told Haveeru.

Saeed last month announced that it would be illegal for any expatriates to be hired for cashier work from April this year, as the government strives to provide ‘Maldivian work for Maldivians’.

President Abdulla Yameen – who has based much of his policy around the youth – hopes to strengthen the Maldivian economy by providing work for the large unemployed youth population, having pledged to create 94,000 jobs during his term.

Democracy House states youth unemployment to be as high as 43 percent, while the International Labor Organisation estimates the figure to be at 30 percent.

Last week the government announced it was to cease granting permits for foreign photographers in order to provide greater opportunities for young Maldivian photographers.

Other pro-youth policies by the Yameen administration have included pledges to turn Hulhumalé into a ‘Youth city’ and the introduction of the ‘Get Set – Maldives Youth Entrepreneurship Programme’, which aims to distribute MVR200 million (US$12.9 million) worth of loans for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Source: Haveeru


2 thoughts on “Government pledges to train 2000 cashiers

  1. The main reason why businesses employ foreigners for cashier jobs is because they are damn cheap ($350)on average and that includes their food and accommodation allowances.
    Lets be realistic:
    1) CHEAP & DEPENDABLE. A cashier job in a shop, hota, guest house or petrol station doesnt require any training as long as you can read and write. Even the smallest shop has cashier systems where you just punch in figures and the equipment does it job. 90% of cashiers are Bangladesh and 95% of them never went to school, however, they do a fantastic job working long hours, knowing codes and prices by heart, and of course take (steal if you wish) at least Rf200-500 daily into their pockets by the end of the day as the Setu is busy gossiping politics in cafes or watching hindi drama at home.
    2)LOW WAGE & UNRELIABLE. On the other hand, Rf5000 to a grade 10 boy of girl is just extremely too low keeping mind most of them are from islands and therefore they need to support their families, pay rent, utility bills, and have a budget for reload, coffee outing and the saloon or boutique visits. In addition, most are unreliable when it comes to working. On average a Maldivian will go for a cigarette every 15 minutes, coffee every hour, never miss to go out for prayers (which most dont) and genuinely have to drop or pick up kids to and from school. So in a day, they work maybe 3 hours. Which businessman can sustain sales with such stuff? Oh, not to forget, if they are questioned or salary deducted because of lateness, they just walk out.
    Hon. Minister Saeed, the young today need to be empowered with knowledge, skills that will help them work and earn and not earn because they are on pay roll. You dont need them to have degrees but the interest and determination. Carpentry, mechanical, electronics, plumbers, painters, embroidery, agriculture are areas where our youth can excell, areas where there is potential to earn better than sit in a shop and get a few bucks enough to pay bills.

    I support the government on the project to loan the youth to start some business, but which youth have proper skilled educational background, no police records, responsible minds? 10-out 1000 have and those just a few lucky ones who has education abroad or from well off middle class families.

    I suggest to the government to build state of art institutions I just mentioned above, and incorporate the youth for short term courses. They should be paid pocket money as they learn, and even provided basic accommodation in dormitories. I bet you in two-five years, you will have the right, the ability and public support to exempt foreigners from jobs in garages, electronic shops, F&B outlets, agricultural islands, carpentry shops, electrical and engineering outlets etc.

    The 200 million you want to dish out should be diverted into such projects otherwise you like it or not, we need Bangladesh, Indians, Indonesians, Phillipinos for low category jobs immigration refers to as ODD JOBS!

    I am a businessman who has encountered alot and honestly skeptical to employer a Maldivain in my business. I better let the Bangladesh steal ten dollars a day but i know work is done to perfection and consistency. I wish you well on your ideas

  2. Government is going to train local cashiers to work for peanuts. what a brilliant idea.


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