Ibrahim Nasir International Airport reduces jet fuel costs

Ibrahim Nasir International Airport reduced the price of jet fuel from US$1.16 per litre to US$1.14 per liter for international flights and from US$1.14 to US$1.13 for domestic flights, reports local media.

The State Trading Organisation (STO) signed a US$136 million agreement March 31 to provide Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) with jet fuel.

The MACL said the price reduction is a result of the decrease in the product’s cost, which took effect April 1.


One thought on “Ibrahim Nasir International Airport reduces jet fuel costs”

  1. For those who dont know world affairs, dont be fooled and think this is a great thing.

    In the past 6 months, so many countries have discovered they have oil and gas reserves and naturally the world market price will drop. Adaalath party enemy No.1 (Israel) just confirmed billions cubic meters of oil and gas reserve which have started affecting middle east countries forcing them to reduce prices.

    Even the the poorest of all, SUDAN has just hit the jack pot and is able to supply oil for the next 100 years... that's why chinese are there. Greece which is today broke and poor just woke up to oil reserves that they have traded to get out of the financial crisis...the list goes on and on...

    What we need anti corruption board to look at, is where is the oil to Maldives bought, under what agreements and who decides where to buy from.Remember what happened to oil revenues and deals during the dictators reign????

    Oil is cheaper so we need cheap tickets to go visit out families in the islands


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